GraphConnect Europe: Superpowers for Recruitment

Great Recruitement, Great People, Great Projects.

Matt WrightThis is why we go to work. How can we help the recruitment industry find us the right job, and what can social network analysis tell us about how to build great teams and successful projects? In his presentation Superpowers for Recruitment, Matt Wright will use Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Ontology, Graph Analytics, Data Visualisation and the good old telephone to help us understand who we know, where we’ve been and possibly even where we are going in our jobs. In addition, he’ll describe how to build a CRM for recruitment from the ground up in Neo4j and build a recommendation engine that matches people to jobs. Along the way we’ll help the recruitment industry understand who we are, what we like, and how to help us build great teams. Learn more about Graphs of Recruitment and Social Network Theory and make sure to sign up for Graph Connect to build your own superpowers.

About GraphConnect Europe

GraphConnect is the only conference focused on the growing world of Graph Database technology. It will bring together over hundreds of graphistas from around Europe to hear from hot startups and global 2000 companies alike about how they are using graphs to power their applications. Save 30% with code “U884ICL” and get your tickets now Want to learn more about graph databases? Click below to get your free copy of O’Reilly’s Graph Databases ebook and discover how to use graph technologies for your application today. Download My Ebook