Building Hybrid Apps with Neo4j and Windows Azure
David Makogon, Sr. Cloud Architect, Microsoft
In this session, we’ll see how to deploy and configure
Neo4j, both standalone and HA. We’ll also show how to access your Neo4j deployment from IaaS, PaaS, and Web Sites, and walk through security best practices.
The Increasing Value of Graph Visual Analysis in National Security, Public Safety, Communication Networks, and Financial Transactions
Jin Kim, Product Marketing, Tom Sawyer
In this session, we will explore the role of graph visualization in complex analysis projects such as national security, public safety, communication networks, and financial fraud.
Jean Villedieu, Co-founder, Linkurious
Now you can explore your data with Linkurious, a web-based graph visualization solution for Neo4j. We’ll see how everyone can use it to solve common problems like correcting errors, identifying patterns or finding and communicating insights.
- Concrete use-cases from a variety of industries and customers
- Supply chain and master data management solutions
- Entertainment with content, conversations and consumers
- The many graphs of telecommunications
- Operational and security risk management
- Technical talks on how to implement these solutions using Neo4j
- Delightful detours into visualization and analytics
- Beer (especially Belgian!)
- and the many other use cases and projects in the emerging graph database ecosystem!
GraphConnect SF is the graph database conference, focusing on graph databases and applications using connected data.
This year’s conference is on Friday, October 4 and the tutorials will run on Thursday, October 3.

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