From the Neo4j Community: December 2015

Editor-in-Chief, Neo4j
3 min read

Below are some of our favorite pieces from our outstanding Neo4j community members published in the month of December.
If you would like to see your post featured in February’s “From the Community” blog post, follow us on Twitter and use the #Neo4j hashtag for your chance to get picked.
Articles and Blog Posts
- Soccer Scouting System with Neo4, Part 5, by Eric Reitmaier
- Meet Cycli: The Best CLI Client for Neo4j, by Nicole White
- Migrating Spring Data Neo4j 3.x to 4.0 – Graph Entities, by Duncan Brown
- Adding Magic by Automation, by Paul Jongsma
- How to Visualize a Dataset Using Neo4j, by Kelvin Lim
- Visualizing Diaper-Beer Relationship in Graph Database, by Bryan Soong
- Getting Started with Neo4j, by Luke Merrett
- Getting Started with Neo4j in .NET with Neo4jClient Library, by Tugberk Ugurlu
- Migrating Spring Data Neo4j 3.x to 4.0 – Indices, Fetching, and Conclusion, by Duncan Brown
- Crawling APIs Using Neo4j – Building the Star Wars Graph, by William Lyon
- Why Graph Technology is Ready for its Close Up in 2016, by Dan Woods
- Neo4j: Specific Relationship vs. Generic Relationship Plus Property, by Mark Needham
- Graph Commons Workshop, The Brown Institute, Columbia Journalism School, by Burak Arikan
- Feeding Graph Databases – A Third Use-Case For Modern Log Management Platforms, by Henrik Johansen
- Using DiagrammeR to help with Data Modelling in Neo4j, by Brock Tibert
- 2015: A Year in the LIfe of the Neo4j London Meetup Group, by Mark Needham
- Isomorphs with Prologram, by Tom Zeppenfeldt
- Modelling a Recommendation Engine: A Worked Example, by Mark Needham
- Codex Presentation, by Ilian Neill
- Introducing Clippr, by Rachel Lader
- Link Prologram to Multiple Datastores, by Tom Zeppenfeldt
Slides and Presentations
- Introducing Graph Databases, by Rik Van Bruggen
- Python and Neo4j, by Eric Lee
- Twitter Influencer Analysis, by John Swain
Libraries, GraphGists and Code Repos
- Belgian Beer Graph – Straight from Wikipedia into a GraphGist, by Rik Van Bruggen
- GraphGist: Eurovision Votes, by Matthieu Totet
- Cycli: A Command Line Interface for Cypher, by Nicole White
- Decypher: A Handful of Cypher Utilities for Node.js, by Guillaume Plique
- Neo4j-bolt-php: PHP Driver for Neo4j’s Binary Protocol: Bolt, by Christophe Willemsen
- Cypher IntelliJ Plugin, by Dmitrijs Vrublevsky
- Neo4j Instance, by Levi Stanley
- Jupyter Notebooks on Python and Neo4j, by Nicole White
Podcasts and Audio
- Ruby Rogues: Neo4j with Brian Underwood, by Brian Underwood
- Graph Databases Are Powering Mission-Critical Applications, by Ben Lorica and Shannon Cutt
- Interview with Will Lyon, Neo Technology, by Rik Van Bruggen
- Interview with Ashley Sun, Lending Club, by Rik Van Bruggen
Other Content
- Triggers for the Prologram/Neo4j Browser/App Builder, by Tom Zeppenfeldt
Want to take your Neo4j skills up a notch? Register for the free Neo4j in Production class and level up your graph database skills today.