Neo4j @SpringONE

Hi all,

So I thought it would be worthwhile to let you all know what is going on with SpringONE. So much is happening, I’ve barely had any time to gather my thoughts to communicate our efforts to the most important part of Neo4j: our community.

So what the eff is going on next week in Chicago?

First off, we are proud to announce that we are Platinum Sponsors for SpringONE 2GX. After announcing Rod Johnson as our new Chairman of the Board, we thought it a great idea to hang out to the Spring community, and support the SpringONE conference.

Second, Neo4j (with a huge shout out to Michael) is about to release Spring Data Neo4j 2.0. Surrounding this super exciting work, there is also a book being published, and a movie website that demonstrates SDN. If you’re going to SpringONE, Michael will be presenting. So If you’re not going to SpringONE, attend our Intro to Spring Data Neo4j webinar.

Thirdly, we are hosting a rad after party, with a trivia game created by Andreas. Come participate, and you can win fun Apple stuff. Oh and there is free beer. Score!

Fourth, on a more personal note, the entire Neo4j team will be coming to Chicago from all over the world to participate in an All-Hands meeting. There are some people that I’ve only seen through Skype sessions, so I’m super excited to put faces to the jokes thrown over the internets.

If you are in Chicago for the conference, or just based in Chi-town, please let us know. We would love to meet you, grab a drink with you, and chat graphs.
