Recap: GraphConnect New York and London 2013

A big thank you to all of the speakers, helpers and attendees who made GraphConnect New York and London 2013 such a graph-tastic success!

We had a great time hacking and learning with graphistas on both sides of the pond and we’re already looking forward to future GraphConnect conferences.

Andreas Kollegger teaching Intro to Neo4j course in NYC
GraphClinician Kenny Bastani diagnosing an attendee’s graph problem
Peter Olson presenting how Marvel uses Neo4j to graph the Marvel Universe
Dreams do come true: Jim Webber and Ian Robinson
thoroughly enjoyed having a Tardis at GraphConnect London
Ian Robinson teaching Data Modelling and Import in London
Sebastian Verhueghe of Telenor presenting their graphDB use case in London
Packed room to hear Joe Parry of Cambridge Intelligence present
In New York and London, we held trainings on the day before each conference. Attendees chose between our Intro to Neo4j and Data Modeling and Import courses with our graphDB experts: Ian Robinson, Michael Hunger, Kenny Bastani, Peter Neubauer, Alistair Jones, Pernilla Lindh, Chris Leishman, and Andreas Kollegger.

Our GraphClinics were also a hit, as our experts gave one-on-one exclusive graph consulting to our attendees.

In New York, we had over 150 attendees with presentations in three different tracks in addition to our GraphClinic. Talks included Graph Applications for the Enterprise, Data Modeling in Telecoms, Route Finding in TIme Dependent Graphs, The Five Graphs of Finance, Graphs Opening Medical Care Information, Natural Language Search with Neo4j and Analyzing Career Paths with College Miner.

The incredible diversity of use cases and companies presented at GraphConnect New York truly demonstrate how graphs are everywhere!

Peter Olson from Marvel Entertainment presented the keynote after lunch on graphing the Marvel Universe. His talk gave an overview of why graphs are such a powerful conceptual framework for modeling intellectual property and how Marvel uses them to represent the 70 years of fictional content from many different media that makes up the Marvel Universe.

Slides from GraphConnect New York 2013 are posted on our Slideshare account:

You can watch videos from GraphConnect New York 2013 here:

London was also quite awesome with almost 200 attendees! We hosted two tracks in the morning and one in the afternoon and our GraphClinic was open all day. In honor of the 50th anniversary of the Dr. Who television series, we even brought in our very own TARDIS, much to the delight of Jim Webber and Ian Robinson (see right).

Talks included Object Graph Mapping with Spring Data Neo4j 3, Neo4j Theory and Practice, Graph Adoption with Gamesys, The Power of Graphs to Analyze Biological Data, Adoption of a Graph Database in the Insurance Sector and In-Flight Asset Management with Neo4j.

Once again, graphs are everywhere! It was inspiring to hear how so many people were using graph databases for their unique use case.

Videos from GraphConnect London will be posted soon, but slides are available here:

Wanna see pictures from the conference? Head over to our Flickr .

Stay tuned for updates on GraphConnect 2014! Or better yet, sign up for our newsletter to be among the first to know the dates and locations for GraphConnect 2014.

Feel free to email us ( ) with any questions; we’re happy to help!

See you at GraphConnect 2014,

P.S. Below are some of our favorite tweets from the GraphConnect conferences, but check the @GraphConnect and #GraphConnect pages to see what other people thought of the conference.

The doctor will see you now. @pandamonial data modeling on the whiteboard in #Neo4j Graph Clinic at #graphconnect
— Kenny Bastani (@kennybastani) November 6, 2013

The last two days have been mind-blowing. #neo4j #graphconnect
— Oren Goldberg (@ogoldberg) November 7, 2013

(tardis) -[:LANDS_AT]->( #GraphConnect )<-[:INTRODUCES] <-[: @emileifrem ]
— Niley B. (@nabtrifork) November 19, 2013

As we hurtle towards lunch at #graphconnect London I don’t think I’ve heard the n word ( #nosql ) used once. #Graph coming into its own
— Matt Aslett (@maslett) November 19, 2013

What an amazing event #GraphConnect London is – so many passionate people talking graphs! Brilliant networking opps #graphsareeverywhere
— Gary Harvey (@Gshtrifork) November 19, 2013

@jimwebber #GraphConnect
— James Chesters (@jameschesters) November 19, 2013
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