#GraphCast: Graph Karaoke Featuring The Knife’s “Heartbeat”

Jocelyn Hoppa

Senior Manager, Content, Neo4j

GraphCast is a new Neo4j blog series featuring videos you should see.

Welcome to our new biweekly Sunday series, #GraphCast, which aims to unearth digestible, notable and just plain fun Neo4j YouTube videos (of which there are a lot).

Whether we focus on some of our most popular videos or highlight a particularly solid educational piece on graph technology that may’ve slipped past you, #GraphCast is meant to be short, sweet and the perfect companion piece to your Sunday morning bowl of cereal (or two, if you’re hungry, we don’t judge).

GraphCast is a new Neo4j blog series featuring videos you should see.

This week, we decided to dig deep in the YouTube library and kick things off with Graph Karaoke. Though there are several in this music-inspired series featuring graph database Cypher querying around song lyrics, we’re highlighting The Knife’s “Heartbeat” today because it has an excellent Sunday groove.

If you like what you see, other Graph Karaoke vids feature The Boss, Michael Jackson, AC/DC and ABBA. Also, we’d be remiss if we didn’t encourage you to subscribe to the Neo4j YouTube channel, which is updated weekly with tons of graph database goods.

Want to take your Neo4j skills up a notch? Take our online training class, Neo4j in Production, and learn how to scale the world’s leading graph database to unprecedented levels.

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