#GraphCast: Unlimited Scalability with Neo4j 4.0

Editor-in-Chief, Neo4j
7 min read

Last time, our Editorial Assistant, Zaw Win Htet, shared Amy Hodler’s talk about the ethics and social values that should inform responsible AI. It’s a great talk with real-world examples.
This week, I wanted to share with you this quick video about the latest scalability features in Neo4j 4.0, including unlimited vertical and horizontal scalability as well as database sharding and federation.
There’s an adage in Silicon Valley* that if you want to be seen as the smartest person in the room, you need to be the first to ask, “But, does it scale?”
You only get the Smart Person Credits™ if no one else in the room can answer the question. (If they can answer, the proportional amount of Smart Person Credits™ will be deducted from your account, so it’s a risk you have to take.)
So now if you’re talking to a colleague or boss about the Neo4j graph database and they ask, “But, does it scale?” You can knock that down immediately with, “Why, yes. Yes, it does.” Then you can show them this video.
Boom, Smart Person Credits™ protected.
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*I work in Silicon Valley (and enjoy it) and therefore I’m supremely qualified to make as much fun of its sometimes zany culture as I could possibly want. Haters gonna hate. ?