Using the Power of Graphs for Enterprise Metadata Management

Principal Product Manager, Pitney Bowes
2 min read

Data is an asset – we’ve been hearing that for years, but we’re still not ready to treat it that way.
As the world of business has changed, so too have attitudes towards data. Not so long ago data was seen as disposable: “Why keep it? There will be more next month.” Those ideas have become outdated and many organizations now seek to capture as much data as they can, often without a plan of how to use it. In order to remain agile and respond quickly to new trends, organizations are rapidly capturing data and possibly future opportunity.
At the same time, the need to trust data has only increased in importance. Far more value is now put in every single piece of data and that has brought a desire to record and report – just like any other asset. Where is it from? When was it created or updated? How is it linked to other data?
Achieving this goal at an enterprise level, particularly in verticals like finance and retail, requires a full understanding of:
- Where the critical information assets reside
- Data lineage
- Impact of change
Why Graph Technology Is the Key to Metadata Management
The answer is to use graph database to manage a view of enterprise metadata.
Graphs offers the fundamental underpinning and processes needed to manage – and gain benefit from – enterprise information. It is particularly effective at modelling the complex relationships between mission-critical data assets and answering questions for information stewards.
When the business demands answers, it also needs to know the confidence level in what is provided. Using graphs to understand the data asset enables a way to quickly explore and measure trust.
Graph technology has proven effective with forward thinking organizations in mastering customer information across hundreds of data sources and it continues to gather pace as part of a robust metadata management strategy.
To find out more enterprise metadata management with Pitney Bowes, stop by our booth at GraphConnect San Francisco.
Learn more about Spectrum and meet the Pitney Bowes team at GraphConnect San Francisco on October 13th, 2016. Click below to get your ticket – and we’ll see you in San Francisco soon!
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