In a recent article in The Irish Times, Euler is described as having revolutionized mathematics and is incomparably prolific with work that spans graph theory, of course, but also calculus, differential geometry, number theory, and infinite series.
They also point out that Euler was an “overall nice guy,” adding one more reason on top of many reasons to celebrate his life and work.
Graphs Are Everywhere
When Euler solved the Königsberg bridge problem in 1735, he probably didn’t expect his graph theory to be inspiring technology worldwide and surrounding all of our lives three centuries later.
Today, the Neo4j community around the world celebrates his birthday by saying “graphs are everywhere” in our own languages.
Global Graph Celebration Day Meetup: Starts at 5am PT
As usual, we have the Global Graph Celebration Day Meetup, but we are moving the celebration online this year given the pandemic situation.
Join us on our Discord server and tune in live at 5am PT, where we’ll discuss the history of graphs (followed by a fun quiz with prizes) and hear graph enthusiasts from around the world. We also have an exciting announcement to share with the GraphQL community; if you’re a GraphQL developer, make sure you’re there!
The Leonhard Euler Idea Contest Kicks Off Today
Calling all professional and aspiring developers! Transform your most creative ideas into a reality with the Leonhard Euler Contest. All you need to do is create using Neo4j graph database and the Neo4j GraphQL Library.
This contest features $10,000 in prizes and the winning project will be announced at NODES 2021 (coming June 17) that nearly 13,000 developer peers attended last year. Check out the rules and terms & conditions of the idea contest, and register right away!