From the Community: April 2015
April was an exciting month for our community. Thanks to everyone who contributed interesting and graph-tastic posts! Below are just a few of the many things our community contributed. If you would like to see more posts from our amazing graphistas or be featured on our From The Community blog posts, be sure to follow us on twitter and tweet a link to your work including the Neo4j hashtag.Articles:
- Staring at Goats by Ignaz Wanders
- Neo4j Server Extension for Single Page Experiments and On Neo4j Indexes, Match & Merge by Michael Hunger
- Neo4J with Basic Authentication on Digital Ocean by Nicholas Paul Smith
- Importing AdventureWorks data into Neo4j by Stéphane Fréchette
- Neo4j: Cypher – Building the query for a movie’s profile page and Spark: Generating CSV files to import into Neo4j by Mark Needham
- Devs are from Venus, Ops are from Mars, Big Data: Neo4j by Steven Haines
- Neo Technology CEO: What is a graph database… and why big data needs one by Adrian Bridgewater
- Neo4j 2.2 Authentication and adding extra users and Attribute-Based Access Control with a graph database and Exploring a UK Open Government Dataset with Neo4j by Robin Bramley
- Importing the Hacker News Interest Graph by Max De Marzi
- Efficient User Timelines in a PHP Application with Neo4j by Christophe Willemsen
- Importing the SNAP Beeradvocate dataset into Neo4j – part 1 by Rik Van Bruggen
- Getting started with Neo4j and Python by Marco Bonzanini
- A Matter of Degrees: Semantic linking of antonyms through synonym pathways by Caleb Jones
- Bootstrapping Recommendations with Neo4j by Max De Marzi
- Relational to Big Graph by Michael Hunger
- From Fraud Prevention to Network Optimization | #Dare2Data by David Montag
- O’Reilly’sGraph Databases Second Edition by Ian Robinson, Jim Webber, and Emil Eifrem