Editor’s Note: All promotions in this blog post have now expired. Please use this post for informational purposes only and to browse Neo4j books available from Packt Publishing.
Whether you’re a brand-new user of Neo4j or a seasoned vet, you can always stand to polish and refine your skills with graph databases.
No doubt you’ve read the classic
Graph Databases book by Ian Robinson, Jim Webber and Emil Eifrem, but now it’s time to move beyond the basics, especially when it comes to Neo4j- and Cypher-specific skills.
Good news: Packt Publishing has
an ever-expanding host of Neo4j books, and they’re offering an exclusive discount to the Neo4j community.
Use the discount code NEO4J25 to receive 25% off your order of any of these ebooks listed below. Better yet: When you purchase all of their Neo4j books an automatic discount gets you all seven books for just $100.
But you know what’s even better than a discounted ebook?
A free one.
If you’d like a free copy of one of the Neo4j-specific titles below, tweet this article using the hashtag
#PacktNeo4j. After a week, we’ll select seven winners to receive a 100% discount code for the book of your choice!
Now, what can you hope to win? We’ve had each of the authors write a quick summary of their Neo4j book to give you an idea:
Beginner Level Books:
Learning Neo4j
By Rik Van Bruggen,

Learning Neo4j will give you a step-by-step way of adopting
Neo4j, the world’s leading graph database. The book includes a lot of background information, helps you grasp the fundamental concepts behind this radical new way of dealing with connected data and will give you lots of examples of use cases and environments where a graph database would be a great fit.
“Contrary to many other books on Neo4j, this book is not only targeted at the hardcore developer: I have tried to make the book as accessible as possible for less technical audiences. Technically interested project/program managers should be able to get a great feel for the power of Neo4j by going through this book.”
Learning Cypher
By Onofrio Panzarino,

Learning Cypher is a practical, hands-on guide to learn how to use Neo4j quickly with
Cypher, from scratch. The first chapters show you how to manage a Neo4j database in all phases of its lifecycle: creation, querying, updating and maintenance, with a particular focus on Cypher, the powerful Neo4j query language. An entire chapter is dedicated to profiling and improving the performance of queries. The last chapter shows a simple approach to face migrations from SQL. It would be helpful to have a bit of familiarity with Java or and/or SQL but no prior experience is required.”
Neo4j Essentials
Sumit Gupta

Neo4j Essentials is a comprehensive and fast-paced guide for developers or expert programmers, especially those experienced in a graph-based or NoSQL-based database and who want to quickly develop and produce real-world, complex use cases on Neo4j. It begins with basic steps of installation and explores various notable features of Neo4j like data structuring, querying (Cypher), pattern matching, integrations with BI tools, Spring Data, utilities and performance tuning, etc. This book also talks about the strategies for efficiently and effectively handling production nuances for enterprise-grade deployments and uncovers the methodologies for extending and securing Neo4j deployments.”
Intermediate Level Books:
Neo4j Cookbook
Ankur Goel

Neo4j Cookbook provides easy-to-follow yet powerful ready-made recipes, which on one side covers all the recipes which you will need most of the time while working with Neo4j and on the other side takes you through new real-world use cases in travel, healthcare and e-commerce domains. Starting with a practical and vital introduction to Neo4j and various aspects of Neo4j installation, you will learn how to connect and access Neo4j servers from programming languages such as Java, Python, Ruby and Scala. You will also learn about Neo4j administration and maintenance before expanding and advancing your knowledge by dealing with large Neo4j installations and optimizing them for both storage and querying.”
Neo4j Graph Data Modeling
By Mahesh Lal,

Neo4j Graph Data Modeling will introduce design concepts used in modeling data as a graph in Neo4j. Written for developers with some familiarity with Neo4j and data architects, the book takes a step-by-step approach to explaining how we can design various data models in Neo4j. The examples have a wide range, starting from graph problems (e.g., routing) to problems that are not an intuitive fit for graph databases. We have tried to craft the examples so that the reader is taken on a journey of discovery of the rationale behind design decisions.”
Advanced Level Books:
Neo4j High Performance
By Sonal Raj,

Neo4j High Performance presents an insight into how Neo4j can be applied to practical industry scenarios and also includes tweaks and optimizations for developers and administrators to make their systems more efficient and high-performing. By the end of this book you will have learnt about the following three aspects of Neo4j:
- Understand concepts of graphs and Neo4j as a graph database, transactions, indexing and its querying with Cypher.
- Create, build, deploy and test applications running Neo4j at the backend. Also get an introduction to an embedded application of Neo4j.
- Use and setup of the Neo4j APIs including core API, REST API and an overview of its High Availability version of the framework.”
Building Web Applications with Python and Neo4j
Sumit Gupta

Building Web Applications with Python and Neo4j is a step-by-step guide aimed at competent developers who have exposure and programming experience in Python and who now want to explore the world of relationships with Neo4j. This book discusses data modeling, programming and data analysis for application development with Python and Neo4j. This books also provides all necessary practical skills and exposure to Python developers, which not only helps them in leveraging the power of Neo4j, but at the same time it also provides insight into various Python-based frameworks like
OGM, Django, Flask, etc. for rapidly developing enterprise-grade application with Python and Neo4j.”
Don’t forget – Get 25% off your purchase of any Packt Neo4j title with the discount code NEO4J25 or share this article on Twitter with the hashtag
#PacktNeo4j to win your free copy of any of the ebooks listed above!
Having trouble with any of the discount codes? Email
customercare@packtpub.com for help.