The entries have been entered, the votes have been cast and now it is time to announce the winners of the Neo4j Heroku Challenge! What more appropriate time or place for the announcement than here at Salesforce.com’s Cloudstock in San Francisco?
The Winner!
We had some amazing entries from all over the globe and from a diverse set of languages, and we thank everyone for participating. The overall winner will receive the new iPad, and the language winners receive $100 to ThinkGeek.
The proud new owner of a new iPad, and our overall winner of the Neo4j Heroku Challenge is…

Flavorwocky won the most votes among the Neo4j community and highest ranking on Gensen, recognized for creativity, usability, and all around awesomeness. A big congrats from the whole Neo4j community to you Luanne – we are trying to get that iPad to India as soon as possible!
Language Winners

The “Flattr what?” application is a super simple recommendation engine for Flattr users, a micro-payment/tipping system for bloggers and other content creators.

Frosty Mug helps navigate the vast ocean of beers on tap at a proper brew pub. Start with a beer you like, then Frosty Mug will recommend similar beers.

In a great spin on the classic Neo4j dataset, Neoflix explores a movie database with D3-powered visualizations to make film recommendations.

The Node template demonstrates how easily Node.js developers can tap into the power of Neo4j for creating a social graph.

The app is a simple data explorer with bookmarking ability, using user-generated content from Stack Exchange.

With this through-the-web edited social graph, Andy demonstrates how easy it is to access Neo4j from Scala while running on the Play framework.

Graphtag is a Clojure application which monitors Twitter mentions against a custom account “GraphTag” and inputs the content of those tweets into Neo4j as a node.

Neo4j or Bust is an impressive mashup of Heroku (to access Neo4j) and AppHarbor (to host the .NET application), to discover and follow interesting people.

NeoQuote delivers a stock-exchange symbol lookup application, with integrated voice search!

Lightbulb is a a Git-powered, Neo4j-backed blog engine for Heroku, using James’ own excellent Bulbs framework for graph databases.
Coderwall Badges
On top of the sweet prizes, all winners and participants in the challenge will receive Coderwall badges in recognition of their prowess. Coderwall has also introduced a special badge for general Neo4j achievements.We are always grateful for all our community contributions, and now you will be publicly recognized for helping make the world a better place for graphs.Remember, all challenge entries have full source available and are listed at Gensen, so go clone your favorite and start coding away.
Props to All
I have to give a shout out to the Neo4j Community Team and our friends at Heroku for this awesome contest, and for all of the great work put in. The participants’ awesome efforts mean that there will be more fun challenges coming up in the future!
With apologies to James Thornton, there was a mixup in the vote counting, which should have resulted in Lightbulb being awarded the Python prize. Both Carson and James have been given the award. Congrats gentlemen, and sorry about the mistake.