#GraphCast: Discover the Power of Graph Databases (GOTO Book Club)

Content & Media Associate
1 min read

Welcome to this week’s #GraphCast – our series featuring what you might have missed in Neo4j media from the past fortnight.
Last time, our Junior Editor, Zaw Win Htet, featured a yearly update from our very own CEO and Co-Founder, Emil Eifrem, in which Emil discussed how 2020 progressed and where graph technology seems to be heading in the coming years.

This week, I’ve chosen to highlight a GOTO Book Club interview featuring Neo4j’s Jim Webber, who co-authored Graph Databases, and Nicki Watt, CTO at OpenCredo.
This particular GOTO Book Club episode spotlights Graph Databases and sheds light on how you can leverage the power of graph databases to further understand your data.
More specifically, it’ll walk you through a comprehensive journey, starting with the definition of graphs, traversing through various use cases, and ending with an overview of the common pitfalls of graph technology.
Make sure to add Graph Databases to your quarantine reading list and give this interview a watch!
Catch all our videos when you subscribe to the Neo4j YouTube channel, updated weekly with tons of graph tech goods.
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