Welcome to this week’s #GraphCast – our series featuring what you might have missed in Neo4j media from the past fortnight.
Last time, Bryce Merkl Sasaki put the spotlight on Neo4j’s Chief Scientist Jim Webber, who is a graph database technical guru (a thing I just made up, but not untrue!). Don’t sleep on Jim’s tidbits of graphy wisdom.
This week, I decided it would be fun to bring you into the fold of Swedish Midsummer (June 22), which is essentially a summer solstice celebration on steroids. Check out the video below for an overview of this special bacchanal where the sun never quite sets:
Staying true to our Swedish roots, Midsummer is a Neo4j company-wide holiday. So if you call or email one of us today, sorry, we’re preparing the pickled herring and pouring beer and chilled shots of nubbe, ready to frolic like frogs around the maypole. Skål och glad midsommar!
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