From the Neo4j Community: November 2016

Editor-in-Chief, Neo4j
2 min read

If you would like to see your post featured in December 2016’s “From the Community” blog post, follow us on Twitter and use the #Neo4j hashtag for your chance to get picked.
Articles and Blog Posts
- Neo4j: Find the intermediate point between two lat/longs, by Mark Needham
- graphconnect Twitter NodeXL SNA Map and Report, by Marc Smith
- Neo4j on IBM POWER8 – Bigger Graphs and Better Performance, by Chuck Calio
- NASA Is Harnessing Graph Databases To Organize Lessons Learned from Past Projects, by Steven Melendez
- Using Powershell to query Neo4j using Bolt, by Glenn Sarti
- DIY facts and figures for your favorite sport using “Open Data” and Neo4j, by 42 Talents
- The Enterprise of the Future Will Need Connected Big Data, by TC Currie
- The new Oracle? Maybe not, but Neo’s raise shows promise, by Ben Kepes
- Migrating data to the graph with APOC and JDBC, by Paul Jongsma
- Microsoft Concept Graph in Neo4j
- Neo4j is your RDF store (part 1), by Jesús Barrasa
- Integrate Neo4j with Apache Zeppelin, by Stefan Armbruster
- Neo4j: Dynamically Add Property/Set Dynamic Property, by Mark Needham
- Games Crafting Trees, by Alexandre Lavoie
- How Neo4j is taking graph databases into the mainstream, by Colin Barker
- Kubernetes: Spinning up a Neo4j 3.1 Causal Cluster, by Mark Needham
- .NET Core Data Access, by Bertrand Le Roy
- Graph Story is now all-Enterprise, all the time, by Graph Story
- Graph DB + Data Virtualization = Live dashboard for fraud analysis, by Jesús Barrasa
- Enabling Legacy Automatic Full Text Search on Neo4j 3.X, by Max De Marzi
Podcasts and Audio
- Podcast Interview with Evelina Gabasova, University of Cambridge, by Rik Van Bruggen
Libraries, GraphGists and Code Repos
- Gist demonstrating how to use the Neo4j JDBC driver with the JDBI library, by Michael Hunger
- neo4j-docker-express-api: Example REST API with graph database Neo4j, by Mateusz Oracz
- rusty-bolt, by Nigel Small
- scala-graph: A collection of Scala graph libraries and adapters for graph databases., by Sean Cheatham
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