Graphs are everywhere, so show us yours!
Submit your graph visualization via Twitter for a chance to win over $1000 in awesome prizes – including an iPad Air and a free pass to GraphConnect 2014 San Francisco!
Tweet #ShowMeYourGraph with a link to your graph viz to enter the contest. Make sure to follow @GraphConnect and include the @GraphConnect Twitter handle in your tweet to guarantee your submission!
Prizes will be awarded for the following categories:
- Most Innovative Graph Visualization
- Most Creative Graph Visualization
- Best Overall Graph Visualization
- Free pass to GraphConnect 2014 SF
- 16GB iPad Air (or $500 Amazon gift card)
- Pencil made by our friends at FiftyThree
All winning graph visualizations will be printed as posters available to all GraphConnect 2014 SF attendees, but all entries will be highlighted at the conference.
The contest kicks off today and runs through October 1, 2014. Winners will be announced via Twitter on October 2, 2014.
For official rules and prizes, visit Show Me Your Graph Contest.
Previous winners include:
- David Fauth for his representation of PAC contributions in the 2012 election cycle
. @GraphConnect #ShowMeYourGraph SuperPac Expenditures For/Against Romney and Obama pic.twitter.com/8KwjHlik— davefauth (@davefauth) October 26, 2012
- Ramiro Gomez for his representation of the James Bond character graph
Network of actors in 23 James Bond films https://t.co/2btBaew4 @GraphConnect #ShowMeYourGraph — Ramiro Gómez (@yaph) October 22, 2012