This Week in Neo4j – AuraDB on Google Cloud Platform, Summer of Nodes: Whodunit – Murder Mystery?, REST API With Django

Developer Relations Engineer
3 min read

Hi graph gang,
In this week’s video, Michael Hunger gives us a walk through of the Neo4j language drivers.
David Allen announces Neo4j AuraDB on GCP, Lju Lazarevic introduces the murder mystery challenge in Summer of Nodes, and Elaine Rosenberg launched a new online training course on Cypher Query Tuning.
And finally, Sihem Bouhenniche builds a REST API using django_neomodel.
Featured Community Member: Nur Aini Rakhmawati
This week’s featured community member is Nur Aini Rakhmawati.

Nur Aini Rakhmawati – This Week’s Featured Community Member
We’re not sure how Nur originally found us, but we’re glad she did! Nur has quite an impressive background. She’s a PhD with educational experience from institutes focused on informatics, electronic engineering, and data analytics! What a spread!
Just from this alone, you can assume she has a natural yearning for learning. While it’s obvious that Nur has a curiosity and desire to educate herself, she’s also passionate about educating others. In 2019 she hosted a Global Graph Celebration Day at Postgraduate Information Systems Department, Insitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
We assume that she decided to expand her impact globally, as she was just accepted to speak at Neo4j Online Developer Expo & Summit (NODES 2020)! Her talk is on “Halal detection Using Graph Algorithms”. We’re still working through the submitted talks, but she’s in the first round of accepted speakers.
Congratulations, Nur, and thank you so much for taking your time to help others learn and grow! We’re excited to see your talk in October!
Neo4j Drivers All The Things
This week’s video is a live stream by Michael Hunger about the Neo4j language drivers.
In the video, Michael explains the new driver protocols introduced in the 4.x series, and then shows how to query Neo4j databases using Python, .NET, JavaScript, and more.
Summer of Nodes: Week 3 – Whodunit – Murder Mystery?

It’s week 3 of Lju Lazarevic’s Summer of Nodes 2020, a series of graph challenges that are running for the month of August.
The challenge this week is to figure out which group of people committed a crime in Graphville. This one will put your Cypher skills to the test.
Next week’s challenge will be the last for this summer. There we’ll explore New York’s Central Park using geospatial OSM data with a Neo4j Sandbox.
Announcing Neo4j AuraDB on Google Cloud Platform

Earlier this week, David Allen announced the launch of Neo4j AuraDB on Google Cloud Platform.
Neo4j AuraDB is now listed on the GCP Marketplace and can be easily installed by GCP users. You can now launch AuraDB from the Google console and billing will appear alongside other Google Services.
New Training: Cypher Query Tuning, py2neo and Graph Gopher releases

- Elaine Rosenberg launched a new online training course on Cypher Query Tuning. In this half day course you’ll learn how to improve query performance and monitor currently running and historical queries.
- Nigel Small launched py2neo version 2020.0. This release adds a bunch of bug fixes and other improvements, especially in the OGM module.
- Niklas Saers announced version 1.5 of Graph Gopher, the Neo4j client for iPhone. This release adds support for the Neo4j 4.x series.
- Adam Cowley published neo4j-nestjs-realworld-example-app, a project that contains a Thinkster real world example app using Neo4j and Nest.js
Create REST API With Django and Neo4j Database Using Django_nemodel

Sihem Bouhenniche has written a tutorial showing how to build a REST API that fronts a Neo4j database, with help from the django_neomodel Object Graph Mapper library.
Tweet of the Week
My favourite tweet this week was by Robert Rouse:
TIL @neo4j knows how to store dates and do temporal math with years BEFORE year 1. It’s a rare use case and most systems I deal with can’t handle ancient dates. I totally need this in my side projects right now. ??
— Robert Rouse (@bibleviz) August 20, 2020
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