This Week in Neo4j: RAG, Constraints, NODES 2023 Recap, CI/CD Pipeline Security and more

Senior Developer Marketing Manager
3 min read

Welcome to This Week in Neo4j, your weekly fix for news from the world of graph databases!
This week, we have advanced ingestion strategies for RAG applications, new ways of handling constraints with Cypher, our podcast summarises the highlights of NODES 2023 and we look at an open source Pipeline Security Tool built with Neo4j.
I hope you enjoy this issue,
Alexander Erdl
- NODES 2023: Watch Recordings
- Live Stream: Neo4j Live: Type & Refactoring Safety in User-Defined Procedures on November 23
- All Neo4j Events: Webinar, Live demos, and More
- GraphSummit Series: Get Connected With Graphs. Next up Paris on November 22 and GraphTalk Barcelona on November 23
Oleg Šelajev is a developer advocate at AtomicJar, working on improving integration tests with Testcontainers for everyone in the community.
Connect with him on LinkedIn.
In his session at NODES “Better Integration Tests for Neo4j Applications With Testcontainers” Oleg showed how Testcontainers libraries allow you programmatically to create, manage life cycle, and configure ephemeral instances of Neo4j. From spinning up individual Neo4j services to creating more complex topologies, your tests are in control of the environment.
Together with Michael Simons, he recently also went into more detail during a Live Stream on Testcontainers with Neo4j.

RAG: Implementing advanced RAG strategies with Neo4j
This blog summarises several advanced retrieval strategies that rely on changing the ingestion step. Many of these advanced retrieval strategies can be summarised as changing how the indexing of documents is done to retain some concept of hierarchy.CONSTRAINTS: Enforcing Data Quality in Neo4j 5: New Property Type Constraints & Functions
At Neo4j, we’ve been working on making the Cypher types visible in the Cypher language. This includes seeing what type a value has with the type predicate expression and valueType function. It also applies to introducing type constraints, which let you restrict types allowed to be stored under a property. Nadja Müller explores what you can do with this new functionality.GRAPHSTUFF: NODES 2023: Behind the Scenes, Highlights, and More!
November’s edition of our Podcast comes with many impressions from NODES 2023 and the team share their thoughts, favourite things, and all the technical goodies from the virtual conference.CI/CD PIPELINE SECURITY: Introducing Raven: CI/CD Pipeline Security with Open Source Vulnerability Scanner
Raven, which stands for Risk Analysis and Vulnerability Enumeration for CI/CD Pipeline Security, scans GitHub workflows and breaks them into individual components. These components are then inserted into a Neo4j database as distinct types of nodes, with relationships established between them. This allows for effortless scanning and identification of vulnerabilities in workflows.TWEET OF THE WEEK: Bhavesh Bhatt
It was a genuine privilege to speak about #GenerativeAI, #LLMs, @neo4j & Google’s #PaLM2 at the Global DevSlam Stage within the Dubai World Trade Center, as part of the @GITEX_GLOBAL ✨@GoogleDevExpert, @GoogleDevsIN, @googlecloud#GITEXGLOBAL23 #GITEXGLOBAL #GITEX #Dubai
— Bhavesh Bhatt (@_bhaveshbhatt) October 23, 2023
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