This Week in Neo4j – 23 September 2017

Welcome to this week in Neo4j where we round up what’s been happening in the world of graph databases in the last 7 days.

This week’s featured community member is Alessandro Negro, Chief Scientist at at Neo4j Solutions Partner GraphAware.

Alessandro Negro - This Week's Featured Community Member

Alessandro Negro – This Week’s Featured Community Member

I first came across Alessandro when he presented a talk on Reco4j, a recommendation framework that combined Neo4j and Hadoop, in June 2013.

He went on to create Reco4 before joining GraphAware.

Alessandro is currently leading the charge on machine learning/graphs and presented Mining and Searching text with Graph Databases at our most popular London meetup event to date. In the talk he showed how Neo4j and NLP can be combined to create advanced services on top of text analysis: recommendations, trend discovery, and finding influencers.

Alessandro will present Powering Relevant Search with Neo4j and Elastic Search at GraphConnect New York on October 24th 2017.

On behalf of the Neo4j community, thanks for all your work Alessandro!

From GraphConnect: RDF-vs-Property Graph Alternative Facts

We didn’t have an online meetup this week so we’ll recap one of my favourite talks from GraphConnect Europe 2017 – Debunking some RDF-vs-Property Graph Alternative Facts – presented by my colleague Dr. Jesús Barrasa.

Jesus compares and contrasts the Labelled Property Graph (LPG) and RDF approaches to modelling graphs, the SPARQL and Cypher query languages, and addresses some common confusions when analysing these technologies.

You can also see the online meetup Graph Databases, RDF, and linked data which covers similar ground.

Pentaho Kettle plugin, Native vs Non Native, Maven Dependency Graph

    •‘s Bart Maertens announced the Pentaho Kettle plugin to load data into Neo4j
    • Dr Jim Webber presented a webinar on Native vs Non Native Graphs where he explains the benefits of being able to represent data as a graph all the way down the stack from the query language to on disk format.
    • MZober1993 created profiling-tools, a tool that exports your Maven dependency graph into Neo4j and then allows you to query for dependencies and sub modules.

On the podcast: Chuck Calio

This week on the Graphistania podcast Rik interviews IBM’s Chuck Calio.

Chuck and Rik discuss running Neo4j on IBM Power8 and the benefits you get from running large graphs on that type of hardware.

Chuck also shares his vision for where he thinks graphs will play a role in the future of technology.

Chuck will be speaking at the GraphConnect New York conference on October 24th 2017.

Spring Data Neo4j, JVM Heap Analysis, New Lynda training course

On StackOverflow: Promise.all(), cartesian products, APOC

This week on Neo4j StackOverflow…​

Next Week

What’s happening next week in the world of graph databases?

Date Title Group Speaker

September 27th 2017

Better WordPress recommendations with Neo4j

Neo4j – London User Group

Adam Cowley

September 28th 2017

Building Conversational Experiences with Amazon Alexa and Neo4j

Neo4j Online Meetup

Christophe Willemsen

September 28th 2017

Learning Cypher – Neo4j Data Query Language

Philly GraphDB

Tweet of the Week

My favourite tweet this week was by Vova Kurbatov:

Don’t forget to RT if you liked it too.

That’s all for this week. Have a great weekend!

Cheers, Mark