This Week in Neo4j – NBC Russian Twitter Trolls, Spring Boot, GRAND stack

Welcome to this week in Neo4j where we round up what’s been happening in the world of graph databases in the last 7 days.

This week we have a sandbox to play around with NBC’s Russian Twitter Trolls dataset, modelling Pentaho ETL jobs and flights with Neo4j, a Python Cypher Querybuilder, Spring Boot, and more.

This week’s featured community member is Gábor Szárnyas, Research assistant at Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Gábor Szárnyas - This Week’s Featured Community Member

Gábor Szárnyas – This Week’s Featured Community Member

Gábor has been part of the Neo4j community for several years and is currently working on a PhD which contains several graph related topics. He’s researching how to incrementally query graphs and benchmark such an incremental graph query engine as well as analysing multiplex networks. He featured on the Graphistania podcast in February 2017 where he explained this in more detail.

Gábor is an active participant in the openCypher community and presented ingraph: Live Queries on Graphs at GraphConnect Europe 2017. You can also find the slides from the talk. More recently Gábor showed how to compile openCypher graph queries with Spark Catalyst and presented graph-based source code analysis at FOSDEM 2018.

On behalf of the openCypher and Neo4j communities, thanks for all your work Gábor!

Pick of the week: NBC’s Russian Troll Tweets Database

They’ve also written a couple of posts where they analyse the data.

Will Lyon has written a post showing how to explore The Russian Twitter Trolls Database In Neo4j including a new Neo4j sandbox prepopulated with the dataset. You can get up and running with that in just a couple of minutes at

7,000 Slack Users!

This week we had our 7,000th member of the community registered on the Neo4j-Users Slack, getting questions answered and helping others with their Neo4j journey.

7,000 Users on Neo4j Slack

7,000 Users on Neo4j Slack

Since 2015 there have been just under 400,000 messages posted and around 500 active users per day. This is still the best place to get help with your Cypher query, Cluster configuration, or data import questions.

Thank you to everybody who’s helped others get up to speed with graphs and if you haven’t already joined, what are you waiting for?!

Neo4j gRaphs, Spring Boot, GRAND stack

    • Uwe Geercken has written a blog post about his experience using Neo4j and Cypher to model Pentaho ETL jobs and flights. Uwe has also started working on neo4j-csv-processor, a Java application used for preparing data from a CSV file for the neo4j-import tool.
    • Bea Hernández shared the content from her talk at the Neo4j España meetup about using Neo4j with R.
    • Jochen Weis released version 0.1.2 of frogr, a Neo4j powered easy-to-use java framework for developing RESTful web services.
    • Mark Henderson has started working on a simple query builder in Python called Pypher. This one is in its infancy so don’t forget to give Mark some feedback if you give it a try.
    • Adam Cowley has written a detailed tutorial showing how to use Neo4j with Spring Boot.
    • Paul Krill from Infoworld covered the GRAND stack – GraphQL, React, Apollo, Neo4j Database – and explained how this stack simplifies the building of data intensive applications.
    • Amy Hodler interviewed Dr. Aaron Clauset, winner of the 2016 Erdos-Renyi Prize in Network Science. Amy and Aaron talk about Aaron’s group’s recent research as well as the general direction of network science.

Next Week

What’s happening next week in the world of graph databases?

Date Title Group Speaker

February 19th 2017

Algorithms, Graphs and Awesome Procedures

GraphDB Sydney

Joshua Yu

February 20th 2017

Tales of Graph Analytics with Neo4j

Graph Database – Israel

Yehonathan Sharvit, Tal Shainfeld, Svetlana Yaroshevsky

Tweet of the Week

My favourite tweet this week was by Andrew Lovett-Barron:

Don’t forget to RT if you liked it too.

That’s all for this week. Have a great weekend!

Cheers, Mark