The Top 5 Neo4j Podcasts of 2019

Editor-in-Chief, Neo4j
3 min read

In the course of the Graphistania podcast, Rik has interviewed some of the most interesting and innovative graph thinkers and practitioners across the globe. 2019 was no exception, and there were a number of great moments and personalities lighting up the airwaves this past year.
If you’re new to Graphistania, check out the archive on Rik’s blog with all of the podcast episodes or if you’re not subscribed, here’s the podcast RSS feed or the link to iTunes. (Believe me, you want to subscribe to this podcast!).
In very unscientific and loosely ranked order, let’s count down the top episodes of 2019:
#5: Interview with Amy Hodler, Neo4j
In this episode, Rik interviewed Amy Hodler from the AI and data science team at Neo4j – and co-author of Graph Algorithms: Practical Examples in Apache Spark and Neo4j. They discussed graph analytics for artificial intelligence and machine learning as well as swapped book recommendations on information theory and graph theory.
#4: Interview with János Szendi-Varga, GraphAware
Or read the podcast interview transcript.
János Szendi-Varga was working as a Senior Consultant at GraphAware when he published this article about the graph technology landscape in 2019. In this interview, Rik asked János for his thoughts on the future of the graph tech space and how it fit within the larger big data ecosystem.
#3: Interview Jess Mason & Jason Cox, Untitled Folder
Or read the podcast interview transcript.
In this double interview with Jess Mason and Jason Cox, the duo discussed their work with Untitled Folder, a company that helps founders and early-stage startups get from idea to Minimum Viable Product (MVP). In addition, Rik asked them about their data journalism work with Cypher Philly.
#2: Debut of Graphistania 2.0
Or read the podcast interview transcript.
This was a groundbreaking episode. After a summer hiatus, Rik rebooted the Graphistania podcast with a new format, new approach and a new co-host (!) – Stefan Wendin from the Neo4j Innovation Lab.
Together, Rik and Stefan discussed the innovative applications being developed with and powered by graph database technology, surveying the best of all projects that surfaced in November 2019.
#1: This Month in Neo4j, Episode 2
Or read the podcast interview transcript.
In this episode, Rik and Stefan continued their monthly survey of innovative projects and applications coming out of the Neo4j community. In December, they talked about Neo4j AuraDB, structural balance in graphs, knowledge graphs and decision trees. It’s a great episode that balances graph theory with everyday application, and it’s a great episode to end the year.
Thanks so much for counting down the top Graphistania podcast episodes of 2019 with us and have a happy new year!
Once more, if you’re new to Graphistania, check out the archive on Rik’s blog with all of the podcast episodes or if you’re not subscribed, here’s the podcast RSS feed or the link to iTunes.