This Week in Neo4j – Brand New Neo4j Community Forum, High Fives/Low Fives in Dating Site, Heavyweight Boxing Graph

Developer Relations Engineer
3 min read

Welcome to this week in Neo4j where we round up what’s been happening in the world of graph databases in the last 7 days.
This week we have a brand new Neo4j Community Site & Forum, High Fives and Low Fives are adding to the dating site, analyzing the European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations, and more!
Featured Community Member: Yisroel Yakovson
This week’s featured community member is Yisroel Yakovson, CEO at MatchLynx.

Yisroel Yakovson – This Week’s Featured Community Member
Yisroel has been using GraphQL with Neo4j and this week published a series of articles about “The Full Graph Stack” where he describes using GRANDstack to build his web app.
As part of his app he’s using the neo4j-graphql-js library to build a GraphQL API on top of Neo4j and been providing great feedback to help speed development.
On behalf of the Neo4j and GraphQL communities, thanks for all your work Yisroel!
New Neo4j Community Site & Forum

This week we launched our brand new Neo4j Community Site & Forum, which will act as a replacement for technical discussions that were previously taking place on Neo4j Users Slack.
You can ask and answer questions around the Neo4j Graph Platform, Cypher, Drivers, Integrations and more, as well as share your projects and blog posts.
If you have any questions please ask in the Feedback category or email us at
We look forward to seeing you over there!
Dating Site: High Five, Low Five

This week Max De Marzi added two new posts to his Build a Dating site series.
In Part 8 Max adds functionality to allow users to High Five and Low Five posts. He also makes it possible to block users that abuse the feature.
In Part 9 we implement the read side of the feature. Users can now see the high fives they’ve been given, and won’t see any interactions with users that they’ve blocked.
Bolt Driver for Angular, Neo4j on CentOS, Heavyweight Boxing Graph

- Last week Yuvan Hirani created a heavyweight boxing graph during his work placement in our London office.
- Maxim Salnikov released angular-neo4j, a module he created for using Neo4j Bolt driver for JavaScript from an Angular application.
- prabhin mp wrote a step by step guide to installing Neo4j on CentOS.
- David Allen put together a set of node.js scripts to export Neo4j databases to Google Cloud / BigQuery.
- Joost Vlaming created a video showing how to get up and running using Graphileon Personal Edition.
ESCO in Neo4j

Rik Van Bruggen wrote a blog post in which he shows how to analyse data from ESCO, the European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations, into Neo4j.
Rik starts by showing how to import the data using Cypher’s LOAD CSV command, before executing shortest path queries between two job titles based on the skills required to do those jobs.
He concludes the post with a quick look at what we could do with this dataset using Neo4j Bloom.
Next Week
What’s happening next week in the world of graph databases?
Date | Title | Group |
August 29th 2018 |
August 29th 2018 |
GraphConnect Preview: Neo4j Drivers, Bloom, Graph Algorithms |
Tweet of the Week
My favourite tweet this week was by Umberto Babini:
My first impression on Neo4j and CQL: Wow! Is it really that simple? Writing queries in Cypher QL it reminds me messages with old-school emojis 🙂
— Umberto Babini (@umbobabo) August 24, 2018
Don’t forget to RT if you liked it too.
That’s all for this week. Have a great weekend!
Cheers, Mark