This Week in Neo4j – Building a dating site, Analyzing Google Analytics, Remembering Machine Learning Models

Mark Needham at Neo4j

Mark Needham

Developer Relations Engineer

Welcome to this week in Neo4j where we round up what’s been happening in the world of graph databases in the last 7 days.

This week Max De Marzi shows us how to build a dating website using Neo4j, Adam Cowley analyses Google Analytics in Neo4j, we learn how to manipulate data structures using APOC, and we find the shortest path from Århus to Rome.

This week’s featured community member is Andrea Santurbano.

Andrea Santurbano – This Week’s Featured Community Member

Andrea has been part of the Neo4j community for several years, and in 2016 he started experimenting with Neo4j support for Apache Zeppelin notebooks.

Andrea built the Zeppelin Interpreter that connects to Neo4j and allows users to query and display the graph data directly in the notebook (both in graph and tabular formats). The interpreter was released last week as part of the 0.8 release.

Andrea has written a blog post explaining how to build a graph data pipeline using the two tools. He also added HDFS support to the popular APOC library.

On behalf of the Neo4j community, thanks for all your work Andrea!

Building a dating website with Neo4j

Max De Marzi has written a series of blog posts explaining how to build your own dating website using Neo4j.

dating site neo4j

Max starts by introducing the graph model before showing how to build a backend API and frontend for user registration and sign-in. You can read all the posts below:

Creating and manipulating data structures with APOC

While Cypher can create and use literal maps/documents, APOC takes it to the next level by adding functions to create and update them dynamically and also convert or extract data from maps.

In the latest video of the APOC series Michael shows how to use these functions to turbo charge your graph applications.

European road graph, Google Analytics → Neo4j, TIBCO Spitfire

Graphs and ML: Remembering Models

Last week Lauren wrote an article explaining the linear regression procedures she added for Neo4j, and this week she’s written an article explaining some of the internals.

Lauren explains her design decisions and looks at the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches. Lauren and David Allen also have an interesting discussion on twitter about using Neo4j as a master data solution for machine learning systems.

Cytoscape Release, Neo4j GraphQL Server, Machine Learning and Knowledge Graphs

    • Cytoscape is an open source software platform for visualizing complex networks and integrating these with any type of attribute data. This week there was a new release 0.3 of the Neo4j plugin for Cytoscape 3.6. This version of the plugin has enhanced import/export options and allows users to expand nodes or network using different methods, as well as find the shortest path between selected nodes. You can download the plugin from the Cytoscape app store.
    • In this week’s 5 minute interview Ajinkya Kale, Senior Applied Researcher at eBay’s New Product Development Group, tells us how he got started with Neo4j and about his vision for machine learning on knowledge graphs.
    • Michael Graham published neo4j-graphql-server, a tool that uses neo4j-graphql-binding to provides a quick way to setup an Apollo GraphQL server with an API for Neo4j graph databases
    • The Mellon Foundation, in collaboration with Trismegistos, C. Roueché , Kings College and Gabriel Bodard created Graph of Dated Objects and Texts (GODOT), a Neo4j based gazetteer for ancient calendar dates.
    • I wrote a blog post showing how to group date based data across different dimensions with new temporal datatype.

Next Week

What’s happening next week in the world of graph databases?

Date Title Group Speaker

July 16th 2018

Neo4j Bloom: An innovative tool for everyone to communicate with data

GraphDB – Sydney

Joshua Yu

July 17th 2018

Welcome to the Graph: Intro to Graphs

GraphDB DC

Hosted by Michael McKenzie

July 18th 2018

#FullStackPDX + neo4j : Charity Drive and Critique : Rejected Oscon Talks

PDX Graph Meetup

Hosted by Will Lyon

Tweet of the Week

My favourite tweet this week was by Anna Tran:

Don’t forget to RT if you liked it too.

That’s all for this week. Have a great weekend!

Cheers, Mark