This Week in Neo4j – Flight Search GRANDstack app, COVID-19 Graph Analytics, Power Laws

Developer Relations Engineer
3 min read

Hi graph gang,
In this week’s video, we have an interview with David Fox, Senior Software Engineer at Adobe.
Rik Van Bruggen runs graph algorithms over the COVID-19 Contact Tracing Graph, Nathan Smith explores power laws, and Michael Simons demonstrates how to build a Neo4j backed Springboot application.
And finally, Vlad Batushkov builds a GRANDstack flight search application on top of his flight graph.
Featured Community Member: Vivek Srivastava
This week’s featured community member is Vivek Srivastava, Graph DB Expert at Manikya Software Solutions.

Vivek Srivastava – This Week’s Featured Community Member
Vivek is an engineer, architect, and product manager with specialized experience in data warehousing, business intelligence, analytics and machine learning. He is a Neo4j Certified Professional and has been working with Neo4j for a couple of years. Vivek, like the majority of our community, is a graph nerd.
Vivek is part of the Neo4j Ninjas program and is a prolific answerer of questions on the Neo4j Community site. Apart from Neo4j employees, Vivek is the top contributor over the last 12 months.
This is an undeniable representation of his commitment to being of value to those who need help. Vivek, on behalf of the entire Neo4j community, thank you!
Lean Graph Data Models Drive Fast Innovation: A Fireside Chat with David Fox, Adobe
This week’s video is an interview with David Fox, Senior Software Engineer at Adobe.
David explains how he first came across Neo4j, projects where graphs are being used at Adobe, how he persuaded his colleagues to use Neo4j, and more.
COVID-19 Contact Tracing: Part 3 – Graph Analytics

Rik continues his series of blog posts showing how to build a COVID-19 Contact Tracing Graph using Neo4j.
In part 3 Rik shows how to use the Graph Algorithms Playground to run centrality and community detection algorithms against a graph of people that have ‘met’ each other.
Exploring Power Laws with Neo4j

After a couple of months break, Nathan Smith resumes his series of blog posts about Networks, Crowds, and Markets.
In this blog post we learn about power laws and the rich-get-richer phenomenon. With help from the APOC library, Nathan shows how to write a Cypher query to simulate the evolution of web pages and the links between them.
APOC Docs Graph App, SDN RX Release, GraphQL on Neo4j Sandboxes

- Adam Cowley explains how he built the recently released APOC Docs Graph App.
- Lucas Jellema shows how to use Neo4j’s shortest path function to explore the languages spoken in different European countries.
- Gerrit Meier and Michael Simons released version 1.0.1 of Spring Data Neo4j RX. This version adds features to the Cypher DSL and has a couple of bug fixes.
- In a live streamed presentation, Michael Simons demonstrates how to build a Neo4j backed Springboot application.
- Will Lyon has added support for querying Neo4j sandbox instances with GraphQL and Sandbox. You can spin up your own sandbox at
Flights Search Application with Neo4j — GRANDstack and GraphQL Custom Resolver (Part 3)

Part 3 Vlad Batushkov’s series of posts about building a flight search application is all about the GRANDstack. The GRANDstack is a set of modern tools for building full stack graph applications.
Vlad gives us a detailed walk through of each of the application’s front end components, each time pointing out which feature of the GRANDstack is being used. The post concludes with Vlad building a custom resolver to retrieve the results of a particularly complicated query.
Tweet of the Week
My favourite tweet this week was John Swain‘s exploration of the conversation around COVID-19:
Who is influencing the conversation on Twitter around Covid-19? With @rightrelevance, I analysed 3m+ Tweets from Sunday and drilled into the conversation about the @NHSuk. Here is a map of that with the top 30 influencers.
— John Swain (@swainjo) May 4, 2020
Don’t forget to RT if you liked it too!