This Week in Neo4j – Graph Modeling Tips, Full-Text Search Preview, Building a Graph App

Developer Relations Engineer
4 min read

Welcome to This Week in Neo4j where I share the most interesting things I found in our community over the last seven days.
I found some excellent material including graph modeling tips from Max and Michael Simons, computing graph embeddings, building your first graph app, and a feature preview on fulltext-search.
Looking through the new material each week is always insightful and I learn something new. I hope you do too.
The Neo4j DevRel team were busy this week. Will and Karin were in San Francisco at QCon and GraphQL Summit sharing the love for Graphs and the GRANDstack. In Europe Emil was on stage at WebSummit, while Ryan and I got new ideas at DevRelCon in London.
Featured Community Members: Jess Mason and Jason Cox
This week we have two featured community members: Jess Mason and Jason Cox, co-founders of Untitled Folder, LLC.

Jess Mason and Jason Cox, – This Week’s Featured Community Member
Jess and Jason have been running the Philly GraphDB meetup since July 2017, and have grown the community to just short of 500 members.
At the meetup they explore graph database technologies and share what they’ve learned with the community, with a particular focus on civic use cases.
They’ve run 17 meetups so far and Jess wrote up their experience in a blog post published last week. If you’re inspired to startup your own meetup after reading Jess and Jason’s story, don’t forget to send us an email to
On behalf of the Neo4j community, thanks for all your work Jess and Jason!
Secret Sauce of Neo4j: Modeling and Querying Graphs
The video from Max De Marzi‘s GraphConnect talk titled Secret Sauce of Neo4j: Modeling and Querying Graphs has been published.
In this talk Max starts by contrasting graph databases with NoSQL and relational databases, before explaining the types of data that graphs work well with. He then shows how to get creative when modeling airports and flights, and finishes with a Cypher based recommendation engine.
Neo4j 3.5: Preview of Full-Text Search Capabilities
In a StackOverflow answer, Christophe Willemsen gave a small preview of the Full-Text Search capabilities that will be released in Neo4j 3.5.
Christophe shows how to write Cypher queries based on Lucene Classic Query Parser Syntax, including fuzzy search using the Damarau-Levenshtein algorithm.
Neo4j 3.5 will be released before the end of the year.
Modeling a domain with Spring Data Neo4j and OGM

In Michael Simons latest post he shows how to model a music domain using the “whiteboard first” approach, and then takes us through a worked example of how to model the same thing with Neo4-OGM and Spring Data Neo4j.
Michael then shows how to use the model to build a sample application called bootiful music.
Systems Landscape Graph, node2Vec, New release of Tableau Connector

- Murali Krishnan Mani explores the challenges in understanding Systems Landscape using Neo4j and explains how how Neo4j can be used to mitigate many of them.
- Ralf Becher released a new version of Neo4j Tableau WDC. The latest version supports Neo4j’s new temporal and spatial data types.
- Alex Woodie wrote an article titled Will GraphQL Become a Standard for the New Data Economy? about the history of GraphQL and the benefits from building an API around this technology. The GRANDstack also gets a call out.
- Michael Porter has written a blog post about his experience learning Neo4j to create a graph of relationships that exist between land and mineral owners and the oil companies that lease their land to drill oil and gas wells.
- In Machine Learning on Graphs, Joydeep Bhattacharjee shows how to create embeddings using the node2vec algorithm and computes the similarity of these embeddings using the Gensim library.
Building Graph Apps with React (Part 1)

Just under a month ago we launched the Graph Gallery, a Graph App that allows you to browse and search Graph Examples provided by the Neo4j Community across a variety of use cases and industries.
We got feedback from several readers asking how to build their own apps, and this week Cristina Escalante has written a blog post showing how to do exactly this.
From cloning the starter kit to testing your application using Developer tools built into the Neo4j Desktop, Cristina has got you covered every step of the way.
If you build a graph app and would like it featured in a future TWIN4j, don’t forget to let us know about it!
Topic Extraction with MeaningCloud and Graphileon

Tom Zeppenfeldt has created a really cool video showing how to integrate the MeaningCloud topic extraction service with Graphileon.
Tom creates a graph which starts from a node representing a text document that links to a hierarchy of concepts and entities. The graph is automatically extended when new concepts or entities are found.
Next Week
What’s happening next week in the world of graph databases?
Date | Title | Group |
November 14th 2018 |
November 14th 2018 |
Tweet of the Week
My favourite tweet this week was by Karin Wolok:
A couple people at #QCon told me that #Neo4j is a #buzzword….which I think translates to, “I’ve heard so many people talking about how ‘it’s the future’ and ‘it’s soooo cool’, but I don’t really know what it actually does” #GraphDB #GraphEpiphany
— Karin Wolok (@askkerush) November 7, 2018
Don’t forget to RT if you liked it too.
That’s all for this week. Have a great weekend!
Cheers, Mark