This Week in Neo4j – NODES 2019 Preview: Knowledge Graphs, Building a SurveyMonkey Clone, Sentiment Analysis with Neo4j and GCP

Developer Relations Engineer
4 min read

This week we preview the Knowledge Graph talks at the NODES 2019 conference and we learn how to do sentiment analysis with Neo4j and GCP NLP.
Stefan Dreverman continues his series on building questionnaires using Neo4j, Max De Marzi builds a property graph, and there’s a paper showing how to query multi dimensional events.
Mark Needham and the Developer Relations team
Featured Community Member: Kenny Bastani
Our featured community member this week is an old friend of the Neo4j Developer Relations team, Kenny Bastani.

Kenny Bastani – This Week’s Featured Community Member
Kenny worked on the Developer Relations team in 2013 and 2014, creating a ferocious amount of content via blog posts and meetup or conference presentations.
He presented on topics including Natural Language Search at GraphConnect 2013 and Document Classification with Neo4j.
Kenny did pioneering work in the graph analytics space, integrarating with Neo4j with Spark via the Mazerunner project. He presented on this in the talk Big Graph Analytics on Neo4j with Apache Spark. This project acted as the inspiration for the Neo4j Graph Algorithms Library that was launched in 2017.
After leaving Neo4j Kenny went to work at Pivotal, where he continued to contribute to the Neo4j community, via presentations like Using Docker, Neo4j, and Spring Cloud and Polyglot Persistence for Microservices using Spring Cloud and Neo4j.
On behalf of the Neo4j community, thanks for all your work Kenny!
NODES 2019 Preview: Knowledge Graphs

There’s now only three weeks to go until our first Neo4j Online Developer Summit, and this week we’re going to preview talks tagged Knowledge Graphs.
Wolfgang Hoeck will get us started in this category, with his talk titled How to build a knowledge graph from scratch even if you are not really a full-blown developer.
Jan Zak will talk about a topic that’s often neglected when it comes to knowledge graphs – the UI! Jan will summarise current approaches and then describe a new novel user interaction pattern.
You won’t want to miss the talk by our resident RDF expert, Jesus Barrasa. Jesus will be showing off Neosemantics, a linked data toolkit that he created to enable the use of RDF in Neo4j.
Performing sentiment analysis on Twitter data using Neo4j graph algorithms and GCP NLP

Kenny Bastani shows us how to design a graph algorithm processing engine on top of Neo4j that discovers the influence and sentiment of tweets in your Twitter network.
Building a Questionnaire with Neo4j — part 3/3: A dynamic list

Stefan Dreverman continues his series of blog posts showing how to use Neo4j to build a questionnaire.
In part 3, we learn how to create a graph model that reveals question to a user based on their answers to previous questions. The approach described in this post would enable us to create a SurveyMonkey or Kahoot style application.
As with the other posts in the series, Stefan shows how to both create and query sample quizzes using the Cypher query language.
An Introduction to Neo4j, Reactive Programming with Neo4j, Querying Multi-Dimensional Events

- Hantsy Bai wrote a blog post showing how to get up and running with Spring Data Neo4j RX and an early release of Neo4j 4.0.
- Steffan Esser and Dirk Fahland published a paper showing how to store and query multi-dimensional process event logs using Neo4j.
- As part of his exploration of NoSQL databases, John Clarke explores what graph databases can do and shows some use cases where they shine.
- Got 10 minutes to spare? That’s more than enough for Félix Revert to get data from a spreadsheet into Neo4j.
The Real Property Graph

In Max De Marzi’s latest blog post he shows how to build a graph based on data from the Marin County, Florida Property Appraiser.
Max explains his simple approach to data import, runs some basic Cypher query, and then runs the Union Find graph algorithm to find clusters of properties.
Tweet of the Week
My favourite tweet this week was by Jonathan Freeman:
TIL @neo4j is used for mapping knowledge about space and satellites. Also the amount of trash in space and the uncertainty of its location is…interesting. From @moribajah’s talk at @strangeloop_stl
— Jonathan Freeman (@freethejazz) September 13, 2019