This Week in Neo4j – Social Knowledge Graph, COVID-19 Contact Tracing, Graph Mutability in GDS

Developer Relations Engineer
4 min read

Hi graph gang,
In this week’s video, Jans, Niels, and Morgan show how to build a social knowledge graph based on data from collaboration tools that we use at Neo4j.
Rik Van Bruggen queries the COVID-19 Contact Tracing Graph, Tomaz Bratanic shows off new features in the Graph Data Science Library, and Lju Lazarevic demos how to use Neo4j Bloom with the movies dataset.
And finally, Max De Marzi shows us how to write stored procedures to receive and create likes in a social network.
Cheers, Mark, Karin, and the Developer Relations team
Featured Community Member: Alex Law
This week’s featured community member is Alex Law, Communications Coordinator at Kineviz. Alex does a combination of UX/UI testing, community development, and content, on Kineviz’s visual analytics platform, GraphXR .

Like most graph-enthusiasts, Alex was a newbie in our community who dove head-first into all the graph ‘stuff’. That’s fairly common…person discovers graphs….person gets hooked on graphs…. person wants to learn everything about graphs. But what stood out about Alex wasn’t how quickly she jumped in to learn, but how keen she was to contribute. Alex’s mantra is “let’s give it a try”, and that’s been clear from her contributions to the Neo4j community.
She started writing blog posts and attended the majority of the Graphs4Good GraphHack open hacking sessions. She listened intently, asked questions, and suggested ways for others to get involved.
Oh, and she also just scheduled a Neo4j Online Meetup presentation GraphXR Epidemic Simulator. Her colleague Robert Allison will be presenting, but you can be sure Alex will be attending. So, if you want to say hi to her, definitely join us in the virtual session (she loves connecting with people, so don’t be shy to say hi!).
Thanks for being such a rockstar, Alex! We love your ‘just do it’ attitude and believe your courage and dedication are truly going to translate to massive success! We’re looking forward to all the great things that we’ll do together in the future!
How a Social Knowledge Graph Improves Remote Collaboration
This week’s video is from a webinar in which my colleagues Jans, Niels, and Morgan explain how they built a social knowledge graph based on data from collaboration tools that we use at Neo4j.
The talk starts by going through common problems in remote working setups, like working on domain experts and improving the efficiency of virtual teams.
They then demo a collaboration dashboard that brings together knowledgeable users, missing skills, and knowledge base articles for various search terms. And finally they show how to use data science techniques to explore the data further.
COVID-19 Contact Tracing: Part 2 – Querying

Rik continues his series of blog posts showing how to build a COVID-19 Contact Tracing Graph using Neo4j.
In part 2 we write queries against the graph, including:
- Working out who a sick person has potentially infected
- Determining whether we’ve been at a location at the same time as a sick person
- Finding hotspots that sick people have visited
Multiple node label support and graph mutability features of GDS in the Star Wars universe

In his latest blog post, Tomaz Bratanic uses a graph of the Star Wars universe to show off two new features of the Neo4j Graph Data Science Library:
- Multiple label support, which enables more flexible querying of graph data.
- Graph mutability, which lets users more easily build a graph analytics pipeline.
Building a Graph App, Bloom Perspectives, Lightweight C# OGM

- Adam Cowley explains how to build your first Neo4j Graph App.
- Khalid Abuhakmeh uses Neo4j to find shortest paths between different locations.
- Lju Lazarevic shows how to build a Neo4j Bloom perspective from scratch using the movies dataset.
- Oktay Kır published NeoClient, a lightweight C# micro object graph mapper for Neo4j.
- Vlasta Kůs shows how to combine the power of machine learning and Neo4j to build a Knowledge Graph for monitoring the satellite technology market.
Getting and Creating Likes with Neo4j

Max De Marzi continues his series of posts showing how to build a social network with Neo4j.
In the latest post he shows how to write procedures to give and receive likes.
Tweet of the Week
My favourite tweet this week was by Davey :