Welcome to this week in Neo4j where we round up what’s been happening in the world of graph databases in the last 7 days.
Featured Community Member: Bruno Peres
This week’s featured community member is opens in new tabBruno Peres, Programmer at GeoSapiens.

Bruno Peres – This Week’s Featured Community Member
If you’ve been following TWIN4j you’ll almost certainly have heard Bruno mentioned in previous editions – he’s one of the most frequent answerer of Neo4j and Cypher questions on StackOverflow.
Every week when I write this blog post I take a look at the opens in new tabStackOverflow active tab on the Neo4j community graph, and Bruno is always in the top 3.
I’ve learnt some cool things from reading Bruno’s answers such as opens in new tabhow to add a temporary property to a node using map projections and just this week opens in new tabhow to write a query that finds the intersection of multiple starting nodes.
On behalf of the StackOverflow and Neo4j communities, thanks for all your work Bruno!
Online Meetup: Analysing the Kaggle Instacart dataset
In this week’s online meetup Jonathan Freeman showed us how to analyse the data from opens in new tabKaggle‘s opens in new tabInstacart Market Basket Analysis competition.
Jonathan shows how to import a subset of the dataset using Cypher’s opens in new tabLOAD CSV clause before using the opens in new tabneo4j-import tool to load the full dataset.
He also writes queries to find vegetarians, vegans, and proposes Instafood – an (at the moment) imaginary application that sets people up on dates based on common food preferences!
Cypher linter, Cypher on Flink, A Python object oriented interface for Cypher
- opens in new tabChris Leishman updated opens in new tablibcypher-parser, a parser library and lint tool for Cypher.
- The video of the opens in new tabCypher-based Graph Pattern Matching in Apache Flink talk that my colleagues opens in new tabMartin Junghanns and opens in new tabMax Kießling presented at opens in new tabFlink Forward is now available.
- opens in new tabDom Weldon created opens in new taboopycql, an object-oriented interface for managing Cypher queries in Python.
Graphoetry: Poetry about graphs
For something different this week we’ve got opens in new taba poem about graph databases written by Dom Gittins.
On StackOverflow: MERGE confusion, Subqueries, Shortest path with predicate checks
This week on opens in new tabNeo4j StackOverflow…
- opens in new tabAndrew Bowman helps solve some opens in new tabconfusion around the Cypher MERGE clause.
- opens in new tabJonathan March opens in new taboptimises a query that contains a opens in new tabshortest path search combined with predicate checks.
- opens in new tabstdob– explains how to use opens in new tabCASE expressions to opens in new tabcalculate passion and disdain scores in a social graph.
From The Knowledge Base
This week in the opens in new tabNeo4j Knowledge Base Rohan Kharwar shows how to write a Cypher query to opens in new tabkill transactions that take longer than X seconds and don’t contain certain keywords.
Telegram Recipes bot, Chemistry Recommendation Engine, Feature Toggles Graph
- opens in new tabAlexey Kalina created opens in new tabRecipesTelegramBot, a opens in new tabTelegram bot that makes recipe recommendations.
- Richard J. Hall, Christopher W. Murray, and Marcel L. Verdonk published opens in new tabThe Fragment Network: A Chemistry Recommendation Engine Built Using a Graph Database. The authors run a series of algorithms over Chemical compounds to generate a graph of 23 million nodes and 107 million relationships explaining the similarity between them.
- Pedro Moreira created opens in new tabtoggling-it, an application that lets you create toggles for your applications based on toggle-groups and tags. You can also run “what if” analysis to see the knock on effects of enabling/disabling your toggles.
- I came across opens in new tabpython-norduniclient, a Neo4j database client for opens in new tabNORDUnet network inventory. NORDUni is a project for documenting and presenting physical network infrastructure as well as the logical connections between customers, services and hardware. It stores inventory data models in Neo4j.
Next Week
What’s happening next week in the world of graph databases?
Date | Title | Group | Speaker |
September 19th 2017 |
September 19th 2017 |
opens in new tabBuilding A Full Stack Graph Application With GraphQL and Neo4j |
September 19th 2017 |
opens in new tabData science in Life science: Graphs, Machine Learning, and Notebooks |
September 20th 2017 |
Tweet of the Week
My favourite tweet this week was by opens in new tabUrmas Heinaste:
I’m Lovin’ the #Neo4j Sandbox. Check it out and learn about Graph DBs with fun datasets and guides. https://t.co/LEnU752mh5
— Urmas Heinaste (@urma5h) September 14, 2017
Don’t forget to RT if you liked it too.
That’s all for this week. Have a great weekend!
Cheers, Mark