This Week in Neo4j – 6 May 2017

Mark Needham at Neo4j

Mark Needham

Developer Relations Engineer

Welcome to this week in Neo4j where we round up what’s been happening in the world of graph databases in the last 7 days.

This week’s featured community member is Alessio De Angelis, an IT consultant at Whitehall Reply for projects held by SOGEI, the Information and Communication Technology company linked to the Economics and Finance Ministry in Italy.

This week’s featured community member: Alessio De Angelis

Alessio first came onto the Neo4j scene while taking part in a GraphGist competition a few years ago and created an entry showing Santa’s shortest weighted path around the world.

Querying the Neo4j TrumpWorld Graph with Amazon Alexa

The coolest Neo4j project of the week award goes to Christophe Willemsen, our featured community member on 2 April 2017.

Christophe has created a tool that executes Cypher queries in response to commands issue to his Amazon Alexa.

Rare diseases research, APOC spatial, Twitter Clone

Rare diseases research

Rare diseases research using graphs and Linkurious

Online Meetup: Planning your next hike with Neo4j

In this week’s online meetup Amanda Schaffer showed us how to plan hikes using Neo4j.

There’s lots of Cypher queries and a hiking recommendation engine, so if that’s your thing give it a watch.

From The Knowledge Base

On the podcast: Andrew Bowman

In his latest podcast interview Rik van Bruggen interviews our newest Neo4j employee, Andrew Bowman. You’ll remember that Andrew was our very first featured community member on 25 February 2017.

Rik and Andrew talk about Andrew’s contributions to the community and Andrew’s introduction to Neo4j while building social graphs for Athena Health.

On GitHub: Graph isomorphisms, visualization, natural language processing

There’s a variety of different projects on my GitHub travels this week.

Next Week

It’s GraphConnect Europe 2017 week so the European graph community will be at the QE2 in London on Thursday 11th May 2017.

The venue for GraphConnect Europe 2017

The QE2 in London, the venue for GraphConnect Europe 2017

If you would like to be in with a chance of winning a last minute ticket don’t forget to register for our online preview meetup on Monday 8th May 2017 at 11am UK time.

We’ll be joined by a few of the speakers who’ll give a sneak peek of their talks as well as talk about what they love about GraphConnect.

Hope to see you there!

Tweet of the Week

I’m going to cheat again and have two favourite tweets of the week.

First up is Chris Leishman sharing his favourite font for writing Cypher queries:

And there was also a great tweet by Caitlin McDonald:

That’s all for this week. Have a great weekend and I’ll hopefully see some of you next week at GraphConnect.

Cheers, Mark