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Cybersecurity: Combating Modern Threats with Graph Databases

Wednesday, March 30, 2022 7:30 a.m. - 11:25 a.m. PT | 15:30 - 19:25 BST

“Defenders think in lists. Attackers think in graphs. As long as this is true, attackers win.” – John Lambert, Distinguished Engineer and General Manager, Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center

Ransomware-related data leaks are up by 82 percent, with a 40 percent overall increase in ransomware attacks during the pandemic. Identity theft increased by 42 percent in 2020 compared to 2019. In 2021, the healthcare industry spent $6 trillion due to security breaches where 700 million records were exposed from one social media giant within three months.

Is your organization’s cybersecurity measures up to snuff when it comes to data protection?

Organizations have the responsibility to serve and protect an individual’s data. To ensure your data is truly secure, you need a solution that connects disparate data points from equally disparate sources to simultaneously identify vulnerabilities, analyze network health, and visualize its unpredictable patterns. Neo4j – the foundational stack for data analytics and AI and the world’s most secure, performant, and scalable graph database – is an excellent match for connecting this data.

Cybersecurity: Combating Modern Threats with Graph Databases is an inspiring half-day virtual event featuring graph database thought leaders and leading organizations sharing their insight and deep practical experiences with graph technology and the role it plays in cybersecurity. Whether you’re a developer, security professional, or tech leader looking to create value from your data relationships, this event has something for everyone.

Sign up to get more info on Neo4j presentation topics and speakers, as it becomes available. If you’re unable to attend the entire event, that’s okay! You can view these talks on-demand after the event – register today!

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Cybersecurity: Combating Modern Threats with Graph Databases


Photo of Dave Packer

Dave Packer

Vice President, Product, Partner & Customer Marketing

Dr. Jim Webber

Chief Scientist

Photo of Hays Hutton

Hays Hutton

Cloud Architect
Palo Alto Networks

Photo of Alexander Smart

Alexander Smart

Enterprise Account Executive

Photo of Leon Goldberg

Leon Goldberg

Chief Architect
Cider Security

Photo of Ashkan Rahimian

Ashkan Rahimian

Senior Manager, Cyber Emerging Technologies

Photo of Nariman Mammadli

Nariman Mammadli

Director & AI Architect, Joint Security Operations Center
Royal Bank of Canada

Photo of Gal Bello

Gal Bello

Senior Pre-Sales Engineer


Subject to Change

  • 7:30 – 8:00

    Dave Packer, Vice President of Product, Customer, and Partner Marketing, Neo4j

    Kickoff: The Data Platform for Today’s Intelligent Applications

  • 8:00 – 8:20

    Dr. Jim Webber, Chief Scientist, Neo4j

    Keynote: Cyber Threats and Resiliency Landscape

  • 8:20 – 9:00

    Hays Hutton, Cloud Architect, Palo Alto Networks

    Digital Twinning the Cloud for DevSecOps

  • 9:00 – 9:20

    Xander Smart, Enterprise Account Manager, Neo4j

    The Role of Graphs in Cybersecurity

  • 9:20 – 9:45

    Leon Goldberg, Chief Architect, Cider Security

    The CI/CD Graph – An Attacker’s Perspective

  • 9:45 – 10:20

    Ashkan Rahimian, Senior Manager, Cyber Emerging Technologies, Deloitte

    Egor Burnashev, Cybersecurity SME, Risk Advisory, Deloitte

    Graph-based Threat Modeling, Security Analytics, and Threat Hunting

  • 10:20 – 10:55

    Nariman Mammadli, Director & AI Architect, Royal Bank of Canada

    From Cyber Events to Cyber Stories

  • 10:55 – 11:25

    Gal Bello, Sr. Pre-Sales Engineer, Neo4j

    Modeling Cybersecurity with Neo4j, Based on Real-Life Data Insights