Running Django-Neomodel within a Docker Container

COO of SilverLogic
2 min read

Here’s your quickstart guide for posterity, using the example in Django-Neomodel.
A Neomodel community member asked about how to run Django Neomodel (a Neomodel plugin for Django) within a Docker container. So let’s show how to do it.Local Setup — Example
Prerequisites:- An updated version of Docker
- Django Neomodel
cd tests/Run the Docker Command (make sure your Docker service is running and up to date).
docker-compose upVerify the Django admin is running: https://localhost:8000/admin/ Verify Neo4j Browser is running: https://localhost:7474/browser/ You’ll be then able to log in with the test credentials admin / 1234.
Under the Hood
The Dockerfile collects the commands Docker will be using to create your environment.FROM python:3 WORKDIR /usr/src/app COPY ./tests/requirements.txt ./ RUN pip install — no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt COPY .. . RUN chmod +x ./tests/ CMD [“./tests/” ]
docker-compose.yml is where you’ll configure the ports you’ll be using to communicate with your Neo4j database. docker-compose.yml :version: ‘3’ services: backend: build: context: ../ dockerfile: ./tests/Dockerfile command: ‘/bin/bash -c “chmod +x /usr/src/app/tests/ && /usr/src/app/tests/”’ volumes: - ..:/usr/src/app ports: - “8000:8000” expose: - 8000 depends_on: - neo4j_db links: - neo4j_db environment: - NEO4J_BOLT_URL=bolt://neo4j:foobar@neo4j_db:7687 - DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings
neo4j_db: image: neo4j:4.2-enterprise ports: - “7474:7474” - “7687:7687” expose: - 7474 - 7687 volumes: - db:/data/dbms environment: - NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/foobar - NEO4J_ACCEPT_LICENSE_AGREEMENT=yes - dbms.connector.bolt.listen_address=:7687 - dbms.connector.bolt.advertised_address=:7687
volumes: db: is where you’ll configure the python/Django portion of your app. You’ll add your DJANGO_SUPERUSER_USERAME and other Django-related environment variables here. :#!/bin/bash -xe cd tests python -c <<EOF | from django.db import IntegrityError try: python install_labels except IntegrityError: print(“Already installed”) EOF
python migrate # Apply database migrations if [ “$DJANGO_SUPERUSER_USERNAME” ] then python createsuperuser — noinput — username $DJANGO_SUPERUSER_USERNAME — email $DJANGO_SUPERUSER_EMAIL fi
$@ python runserver
- Empowering App Development for Developers | Docker
- Django
- neo4j-contrib/neomodel
- neo4j-contrib/django-neomodel
- neo4j-examples/paradise-papers-django
- Docker-compose: db connection from web container to neo4j container using bolt
- Neo4j for Django Developers
Running Django-Neomodel within a Docker Container was originally published in Neo4j Developer Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.