Third-party payment to high-risk jurisdiction
1. Introduction
Transaction monitoring is a fundamental pillar in retail banking, ensuring the integrity and safety of financial transactions. It plays a pivotal role in detecting and preventing financial fraud, money laundering, and other illicit activities, safeguarding the bank and its customers from potential threats and losses.
The "Third-party payment to high-risk jurisdiction" rule monitors transactions directed towards regions or countries categorised as high-risk for financial misconduct. By identifying such transactions, banks can scrutinise them more closely, ensuring they comply with regulatory compliances and aren’t a conduit for nefarious activities.
2. Rule Breakdown
Time Range:
Evaluate all data over a rolling 30-days (this can be any time period)
Money Mules
Aggregate total value of inflow payments by unique source accounts
Match transactions to high-risk jurisdiction
Where the value of an individual transaction is between 90% - 110% of the original inflow amount.
3. Modelling
This section will show examples of cypher queries on an example graph. The intention is to illustrate what the queries look like and provide a guide on how to structure your data in a real setting. We will do this on a small graph of several nodes. The example graph will be based on the data model below:
3.1. Data Model
3.1.1 Required Fields
Below are the fields required to get started:
: Contains the account name of an account. This could be changed for any other identifier you use for anAccount
: Contains the amount of money transferred between accounts. -
: Contains the date the transaction occurred.
No properties required
No properties required
3.2. Demo Data
The following Cypher statement will create the example graph in the Neo4j database:
// Create all accounts
CREATE (a1:Account {number: 1})
CREATE (a2:Account {number: 2})
CREATE (a3:Account {number: 3})
CREATE (a4:Account {number: 4})
CREATE (a5:Account {number: 5})
CREATE (a6:Account {number: 6})
CREATE (a7:Account:HighRiskJurisdiction {number: 7})
// Create valid transaction relationships
CREATE (a2)-[:TRANSACTION {amount: 1100, datetime: datetime()-duration({days: 29})}]->(a4)
CREATE (a4)-[:TRANSACTION {amount: 100, datetime: datetime()-duration({days: 27})}]->(a6)
CREATE (a4)-[:TRANSACTION {amount: 200, datetime: datetime()-duration({days: 26})}]->(a6)
CREATE (a4)-[:TRANSACTION {amount: 600, datetime: datetime()-duration({days: 25})}]->(a6)
CREATE (a6)-[:TRANSACTION {amount: 500, datetime: datetime()-duration({days: 3})}]->(a7)
CREATE (a6)-[:TRANSACTION {amount: 500, datetime: datetime()-duration({days: 2})}]->(a7)
// Create invalid transaction relationships
CREATE (a1)-[:TRANSACTION {amount: 500, datetime: datetime()-duration({days: 60})}]->(a2)
CREATE (a1)-[:TRANSACTION {amount: 500, datetime: datetime()-duration({days: 60})}]->(a2)
CREATE (a3)-[:TRANSACTION {amount: 750, datetime: datetime()-duration({days: 28})}]->(a4)
CREATE (a5)-[:TRANSACTION {amount: 100, datetime: datetime()-duration({days: 24})}]->(a6)
CREATE (a5)-[:TRANSACTION {amount: 50, datetime: datetime()-duration({days: 24})}]->(a6)
4. Cypher Queries
4.1. Enhanced Graph Version
This is an enhanced version of the standard transaction monitoring rule, which is not achievable at scale and simplicity with the current system. Why?
The recursive traversed back through the relationships indefinitely can not be implemented in any of the current systems
The incredible performance by Neo4j was achieved by the fact we evaluated the following conditions at traversal time:
The value of the aggregated transactions is outside the bounds of 90% - 110% of the original transaction amount.
Where the dates of the transactions are outside the specified period. In this case, 30 days.
MATCH (l:Account)-[last_t:TRANSACTION]->(hrj:HighRiskJurisdiction)
WHERE last_t.datetime >= datetime()-duration({days: 30})
WITH l, hrj, SUM(last_t.amount) AS total_hrj_transctions
MATCH path=(first)((a1)-[t]->(a2)
WITH a1, a2
MATCH (a1)-[some_t]->(a2)
WHERE some_t.datetime >= datetime()-duration({days: 30})
WITH SUM(some_t.amount) AS s
RETURN 0.9 * total_hrj_transctions <= s <= 1.1 * total_hrj_transctions
} = [TRUE]
WITH first
MATCH (before)-[tx]->(first)
WHERE tx.datetime >= datetime()-duration({days: 30})
WITH SUM(tx.amount) AS sx, before
WHERE 0.9 * total_hrj_transctions <= sx <= 1.1 * total_hrj_transctions
RETURN before
tx.datetime >= datetime()-duration({days: 30})