Knowledge Base

Neo4j: Convert string to date

Neo4j 3.4 saw the introduction of the temporal date type, and while there is now powerful in built functionality, converting strings to dates is still a challenge.

If our string is in the format yyyy-MM-dd we can call the date function with that string and have it converted to a date automatically:

RETURN date("2019-06-04") AS date

Executing this query will return the following result:



But what if our string is in a different format, say dd/MM/yyyy? Let’s try and create a date from such a string:

RETURN date("04/06/2019") AS date

Executing this query will return the following result:

Text cannot be parsed to a Date

One way we can solve this problem is by manually parsing our string into its different components using the split function. We can then create a date from those components:

WITH [item in split("20/07/2018", "/") | toInteger(item)] AS dateComponents
RETURN date({day: dateComponents[0], month: dateComponents[1], year: dateComponents[2]}) AS date

Executing this query will return the following result:



Alternatively we can use the APOC library’s function to massage our data into a supported format. This function gives us a flexible way for handling different date and time patterns.

The following query:

  • Uses the function to convert our dd/MM/yyyy date string into a timestamp in milliseconds

  • Creates a datetime from that timestamp

  • Creates a date from that datetime

WITH"31/05/2019", "ms", "dd/MM/yyyy") AS ms
RETURN date(datetime({epochmillis: ms})) AS date

Executing this query will return the following result:



We could also use this function to parse a longer date format:

WITH"Tue, 10 September 2019", "ms", "EEE, dd MMMMM yyyy") AS ms
RETURN date(datetime({epochmillis: ms})) AS date

Executing this query will return the following result:

