Solve dependency issues
There are multiple ways to include neo4j artifacts. In this article, we will focus on maven based on different scenarios or errors. The most common issue is setting up the dependencies properly in pom.xml.
Verify that you have the right dependencies
You can execute the following maven command in the folder where you have the pom.xml :
# resolve dependency in the local repository (by default in ~/.m2/)
$ mvn dependency:resolve
# displays the dependencies as a tree
$ mvn dependency:tree
# purge local repo and resolve dependencies
$ mvn dependency:purge-local-repository
# perform integration tests
$ mvn verify
In version 3.5, only 3 artifacts are required even if you are running unit tests:
For Enterprise, your pom.xml should contains:
<!-- .... -->
<!-- ... -->
For Community Edition, your pom.xml should contains:
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
Resolving dependencies using a private sonatype nexus configured as a mirror repository
This is the preferred approach. It allows you to stay up to date and automatically fetch the updates. To do that, you need to login into nexus as an admin or reach out to your nexus adminstrator and ensure that the repositories are available and healthy.
For community edition, you need to add one repository:
, the public maven repo url is
For enterprise, you need to add the two below repositories:
(see 'KB Dependency location for Neo4j Enterprise Edition artifacts' for url/username/password)
(available on public repo
The naming convention is groupId:artifactId. For example: org.neo4j:neo4j
is actually groupid=org.neo4j AND artifactId=neo4j
Resolving dependencies using a private sonatype nexus configured as a hosted repository
This approach is not recommended since it is manual and prone to error. It should be used as a last resort solution. |
Please keep in mind that neo4j requires more than 70-200 artifacts depending on the version and the scope used.
The easiest way to implement this is to compress the .m2/repository folder once you have downloaded all the dependencies
You will need to upload BOTH the jar and the associated pom file into your repository.
Execute the following maven the command and compare it on a machine that has access to the official repositories
$ mvn dependency:tree
If something you spot differences, browse your nexus repository with a web browser and check the signature of the .pom file.
Resolving dependencies using a local folder (Internet required)
This is the easiest approach but you will enventually have to repeat those steps to upgrade to the latest maintenance release.
Open a terminal and go into the project folder that contains the pom.xml
Use the following mvn command to download jars from a source machine that has access to internet. It will copy them into a local folder
mvn dependency:go-offline -Dmaven.repo.local=./remoterepo
(You can request support to do it if your internet is restricted)
Zip the folder on the source
Extract it on the target machine
Specify the following in your pom.xml
<!-- ie <url>file:///home/neo4j/maven/remoterepo</url> -->
<!-- ie <url>file:///home/neo4j/maven/remoterepoenterprise</url> -->
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