Knowledge Base

Using explicit indexes for text search

Please note that in Neo4j 3.5 FullText search is available in Neo4j as part of Cypher stored procedures. More documentation is found here:

As of Neo4j 3.4.x, the schema index is optimal for indexing exact property values, but does not support "fuzzy" or full-text search. However, legacy indexing does allow for optimization for these types of queries, relying on auto-indexes or explicit indexes. In Neo4j version 3.4, addtional support for explicit indexes using built-in stored procedures was added to leverage text search in Neo4j for nodes and/or relationships.

Below is an example on how to do textual search on Node properties.

Create and add the nodes to the index:

match (n:Movie)
with n
call db.index.explicit.addNode("MovieTitle",n,"title",n.title) yield success return count(*)

Verify the index was created by running the following command:

call db.index.explicit.list


│"type"│"name"      │"config"                            │

Run the query to find the names of the movies starting with The:

call db.index.explicit.searchNodes('MovieTitle','title:The*')


│"node"                                                                                                      │"weight"│
│{"title":"The Matrix Revolutions","tagline":"Everything that has a beginning has an end","released":2003}   │1.0     │
│{"title":"The Da Vinci Code","tagline":"Break The Codes","released":2006}                                   │1.0     │
│{"title":"The Green Mile","tagline":"Walk a mile you'll never forget.","released":1999}                     │1.0     │
│{"title":"The Devil's Advocate","tagline":"Evil has its winning ways","released":1997}                      │1.0     │
│{"title":"The Polar Express","tagline":"This Holiday Season… Believe","released":2004}                      │1.0     │
│{"title":"The Replacements","tagline":"Pain heals, Chicks dig scars... Glory lasts forever","released":2000}│1.0     │
│{"title":"The Matrix","tagline":"Welcome to the Real World","released":1999}                                │1.0     │
│{"title":"The Matrix Reloaded","tagline":"Free your mind","released":2003}                                  │1.0     │
│{"title":"The Birdcage","tagline":"Come as you are","released":1996}                                        │1.0     │

If more data is added associated to that index it does not automatically update the nodes to the index. Those additional nodes needs to be added to the index as follows:

match (n:Movie)
with n
call db.index.explicit.addNode("MovieTitle",n,"title",n.title) yield success return count(*)