Query log analyzer

AuraDB Professional AuraDB Business Critical AuraDB Virtual Dedicated Cloud

Query log analyzer is a feature that provides a UI to review the queries executed on an Aura instance.

To access Query log analyzer:

  1. Navigate to the Neo4j Aura Console in your browser.

  2. Select the instance you want to access.

  3. Select the Logs tab.

  4. Select the Query log analyzer button.

It is also possible to enter Query log analyzer from the Query rate or Query latency charts in the Database tab of Advanced Metrics. To do so, click the ellipsis button (…​) on the chart and select Explore query logs.


Query log analyzer is split up in three parts:

  • Query timeline - Timeline showing metrics for number of queries, failed queries and query latency.

  • Summary table - An aggregated view of query logs, giving a high level overview over the selected time period.

  • Details table - A detailed view showing individual query executions in the selected time period.


To fetch logs, first choose a time range in the Query timeline. With a time selection done, press the Fetch logs button. You may optionally choose any filters or search text if required, then press Go.

A summary of query executions is returned, showing aggregations per query. To see the individual query executions, click the right arrow at the end of the line to show details for that query. The details pane shows individual executions.

Query timeline

When viewing the query timeline, you can select from the following time intervals:

  • 30 minutes

  • Last hour

  • Last 2 hours

  • Last 6 hours

  • Last 24 hours

  • Last 3 days

  • Last week

The query timeline can be collapsed by clicking on the header.

The query timeline may show activity from internal meta queries, which are filtered in the table.


To zoom in to a narrower time interval, select and drag inside the timeline to select your desired time interval. The data in the timeline will automatically update to match the increased resolution. To update the table, click the Fetch logs button.

To reset zoom, double-click anywhere inside the timeline.

Toggle data series

To hide or show individual data series, select the corresponding data series in the legend below the timeline.

Fetch logs

Query logs are available for a period of 7 days, and each request can be for up to 24 hours of data.

The Fetch logs button will open up a dialog where you can add filters and search before fetching the logs. The Query timeline determines the current time selection, which can be changed by closing the dialog and modifying the timeline. To fetch the logs after selection of filters and search is done, click the Go button.


To filter, click the filter button. This will load the available filters over the selected time period. Filters are available for the following fields:

  • Status

  • User

  • Driver

  • Application

  • Initiation type

To search, click the search button. Search can be specified for the Query text and the Error text. The fields are case-insensitive and allows you to find specific queries or error that are interesting.

Table interactions

Sort table

By default, the table will be sorted on Count for Summary and Status for Details. To sort by a column (such as Max Time ms) click on the column heading.

Modify columns

The columns in the table can be modified by clicking the button to the right of the column row. Columns can be enabled or disabled, or the order changed using the grid icon at the top right of the table.

Expand query

In the table three rows of query text will be shown. To see the whole query if the query is longer, press the View more button under the query text.