Cypher projection
A Cypher projection creates an in-memory graph from the context of a Cypher query. With a Cypher projection, you can read data from one or more Neo4j databases, load local or remote files, or create data on the fly.
A Cypher projection has two main parts:
One or more clauses to construct a set of nodes or source-target node pairs.
A call to the
See the Examples section for some common projection patterns.
Cypher projections are more flexible and expressive than native projections. |
Projected graphs reside in memory (in the graph catalog) until any of the following happens:
The graph is dropped with the
procedure. -
The Neo4j database from which the graph was projected is stopped or dropped.
The Neo4j DBMS is stopped.
Node property support
Cypher projections can only project a limited set of node property types from a Cypher query. The Node Properties page details which node property types are supported. Other types of node properties have to be transformed or encoded into one of the supported types in order to be projected using a Cypher projection.
Selection of node properties and labels
If a node occurs multiple times, the node properties and labels of the first occurrence will be used for the projection.
This is important when a node can be a source node as well as a target node and their configuration differs.
Relevant configuration options are sourceNodeProperties
, targetNodeProperties
, sourceNodeLabels
and targetNodeLabels
Parallel Cypher Runtime
Cypher projection is compatible with the parallel runtime, which can be used to speed up the execution of the projection. The achieved speedup depends on how well the query can be parallelized. Note that the parallel runtime is only available on Neo4j Enterprise Edition and since version 5.13.
A Cypher projection is an aggregation function over the relationships that are being projected; as such, it returns an object containing information on the projected graph.
The projection function takes two mandatory arguments, graphName
and sourceNode
The third parameter is targetNode
and is usually provided.
The parameter is optional and can be null
to project an unconnected node.
The next and fourth optional dataConfig
parameter can be used to project node properties and labels as well as relationship properties and type.
The last and fifth optional configuration
parameter can be used for general configuration of the projection such as readConcurrency
RETURN gds.graph.project(
graphName: String,
sourceNode: Node or Integer,
targetNode: Node or Integer,
dataConfig: Map,
configuration: Map
graphName: String,
nodeCount: Integer,
relationshipCount: Integer,
projectMillis: Integer,
query: String,
configuration: Map
Name | Optional | Description |
graphName |
no |
The name under which the graph is stored in the catalog. |
sourceNode |
no |
The source node of the relationship. Must not be null. |
targetNode |
yes |
The target node of the relationship. The targetNode can be null (for example due to an |
yes |
Properties and labels configuration for the source and target nodes as well as properties and type configuration for the relationship. |
yes |
Additional parameters to configure the projection. |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
sourceNodeProperties |
Map |
{} |
The properties of the source node. |
targetNodeProperties |
Map |
{} |
The properties of the target node. |
sourceNodeLabels |
List of String or String |
[] |
The label(s) of the source node. |
targetNodeLabels |
List of String or String |
[] |
The label(s) of the target node. |
relationshipProperties |
Map |
{} |
The properties of the relationship. |
relationshipType |
String |
'*' |
The type of the relationship. |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
readConcurrency |
Integer |
4 |
The number of concurrent threads used for creating the graph. |
undirectedRelationshipTypes |
List of String |
[] |
Declare a number of relationship types as undirected. Relationships with the specified types will be imported as undirected. |
inverseIndexedRelationshipTypes |
List of String |
[] |
Declare a number of relationship types which will also be indexed in inverse direction. |
memory GDS Sessions |
String |
- |
Declare the memory used for the GDS Session created for the projected graph. |
Name | Type | Description |
graphName |
String |
The name under which the graph is stored in the catalog. |
nodeCount |
Integer |
The number of nodes stored in the projected graph. |
relationshipCount |
Integer |
The number of relationships stored in the projected graph. |
projectMillis |
Integer |
Milliseconds for projecting the graph. |
query |
String |
The query used for this projection. |
configuration |
Integer |
The configuration used for this projection. |
To get information about a stored graph, such as its schema, one can use gds.graph.list. |
All the examples below should be run in an empty database. |
In order to demonstrate the GDS Cypher Aggregation we are going to create a small social network graph in Neo4j. The example graph looks like this:
(florentin:Person { name: 'Florentin', age: 16 }),
(adam:Person { name: 'Adam', age: 18 }),
(veselin:Person { name: 'Veselin', age: 20, ratings: [5.0] }),
(hobbit:Book { name: 'The Hobbit', isbn: 1234, numberOfPages: 310, ratings: [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5] }),
(frankenstein:Book { name: 'Frankenstein', isbn: 4242, price: 19.99 }),
(florentin)-[:KNOWS { since: 2010 }]->(adam),
(florentin)-[:KNOWS { since: 2018 }]->(veselin),
(florentin)-[:READ { numberOfPages: 4 }]->(hobbit),
(florentin)-[:READ { numberOfPages: 42 }]->(hobbit),
(adam)-[:READ { numberOfPages: 30 }]->(hobbit),
Simple graph
A simple graph is a graph with only one node label and relationship type, i.e., a monopartite graph.
We are going to start with demonstrating how to load a simple graph by projecting only the Person
node label and KNOWS
relationship type.
nodes and KNOWS
relationships:MATCH (source:Person)-[r:KNOWS]->(target:Person)
WITH gds.graph.project('persons', source, target) AS g
g.graphName AS graph, g.nodeCount AS nodes, g.relationshipCount AS rels
graph | nodes | rels |
"persons" |
3 |
Graph with unconnected nodes
In order to project nodes that are not connected, we can use an OPTIONAL MATCH
To demonstrate we are projecting all nodes, where some might be connected with the KNOWS
relationship type.
relationships:MATCH (source) OPTIONAL MATCH (source)-[r:KNOWS]->(target)
WITH gds.graph.project('persons', source, target) AS g
g.graphName AS graph, g.nodeCount AS nodes, g.relationshipCount AS rels
graph | nodes | rels |
"persons" |
5 |
Using the parallel runtime
Cypher projection is compatible with the parallel runtime.
CYPHER runtime=parallel
MATCH (source:Person)-[r:KNOWS]->(target:Person)
WITH gds.graph.project('persons', source, target) AS g
g.graphName AS graph, g.nodeCount AS nodes, g.relationshipCount AS rels
graph | nodes | rels |
"persons" |
3 |
Arbitrary source and target ID values
So far, the examples showed how to project a graph based on existing nodes. It is also possible to pass INTEGER values directly.
UNWIND [ [42, 84], [13, 37], [19, 84] ] AS sourceAndTarget
WITH sourceAndTarget[0] AS source, sourceAndTarget[1] AS target
WITH gds.graph.project('arbitrary', source, target) AS g
g.graphName AS graph, g.nodeCount AS nodes, g.relationshipCount AS rels
graph | nodes | rels |
"arbitrary" |
5 |
The projected graph can no longer connect to projected nodes to existing nodes in the underlying database.
As such, |
A multi-graph is a graph with multiple node labels and relationship types.
To retain the label when we load multiple node labels, we can add a sourceNodeLabels
key and a targetNodeLabels
key to the fourth dataConfig
parameter. — To retain the type information when we load multiple relationship types, we can add a relationshipType
key to the fourth dataConfig
and Book
nodes and KNOWS
and READ
relationships:MATCH (source)
WHERE source:Person OR source:Book
OPTIONAL MATCH (source)-[r:KNOWS|READ]->(target)
WHERE target:Person OR target:Book
WITH gds.graph.project(
sourceNodeLabels: labels(source),
targetNodeLabels: labels(target),
relationshipType: type(r)
) AS g
RETURN g.graphName AS graph, g.nodeCount AS nodes, g.relationshipCount AS rels
graph | nodes | rels |
"personsAndBooks" |
The value for sourceNodeLabels
or targetNodeLabels
can be one of the following:
type | example | description |
List of String |
Associate all labels in that list with the source or target node. |
String |
Associate that label with the source or target node. |
Boolean |
Associate all labels of the source or target node; same as |
Boolean |
Don’t load any label information for the source or target node; same as if |
The value for relationshipType
must be a String
type | example | description |
String |
Associate that type with the relationship. |
Relationship orientation
The native projection supports specifying an orientation per relationship type.
The Cypher Aggregation will treat every relationship returned by the relationship query as if it was in NATURAL
orientation by default.
Reverse relationships
The orientation of a relationship can be reversed by switching the source and target nodes.
and Book
nodes and KNOWS
and READ
relationships:MATCH (source)-[r:KNOWS|READ]->(target)
WHERE source:Book OR source:Person
WITH gds.graph.project(
) as g
RETURN g.graphName AS graph, g.nodeCount AS nodes, g.relationshipCount AS rels
graph | nodes | rels |
"graphWithReverseRelationships" |
5 |
6 |
Undirected relationships
Relationships can be projected as undirected by specifying the undirectedRelationshipTypes
and Book
nodes and KNOWS
and READ
relationships:MATCH (source)-[r:KNOWS|READ]->(target)
WHERE source:Book OR source:Person
WITH gds.graph.project(
{undirectedRelationshipTypes: ['*']}
) as g
RETURN g.graphName AS graph, g.nodeCount AS nodes, g.relationshipCount AS rels
graph | nodes | rels |
"graphWithUndirectedRelationships" |
5 |
12 |
Add both natural and reverse relationships
To add both a relationship with its natural and with its reverse orientation, you can use a UNION
clause within a subquery.
nodes and KNOWS
relationships:MATCH (source:Person)-[:KNOWS]->(target:Person)
WITH source, target
RETURN id(source) AS sourceId, id(target) AS targetId, 'KNOWS' AS rType
WITH source, target
RETURN id(target) AS sourceId, id(source) AS targetId, 'KNOWN_BY' AS rType
WITH gds.graph.project(
sourceNodeLabels: 'Person',
targetNodeLabels: 'Person',
relationshipType: rType
) AS g
RETURN g.graphName AS graph, g.nodeCount AS nodes, g.relationshipCount AS rels
graph | nodes | rels |
"graphWithNaturalAndReverseRelationships" |
3 |
4 |
Node properties
To load node properties, we add a map of all properties for the source and target nodes. Thereby, we use the Cypher function coalesce() function to specify the default value, if the node does not have the property.
The properties for the source node are specified as sourceNodeProperties
key in the fourth dataConfig
The properties for the target node are specified as targetNodeProperties
key in the fourth dataConfig
and Book
nodes and KNOWS
and READ
relationships:MATCH (source)-[r:KNOWS|READ]->(target)
WHERE source:Book OR source:Person
WITH gds.graph.project(
sourceNodeProperties: source { age: coalesce(source.age, 18), price: coalesce(source.price, 5.0), .ratings },
targetNodeProperties: target { age: coalesce(target.age, 18), price: coalesce(target.price, 5.0), .ratings }
) as g
RETURN g.graphName AS graph, g.nodeCount AS nodes, g.relationshipCount AS rels
graph | nodes | rels |
"graphWithProperties" |
5 |
6 |
The projected graphWithProperties
graph contains five nodes and six relationships.
In a Cypher Aggregation every node will get the same properties, which means you can’t have node-specific properties.
For instance in the example above the Person
nodes will also get ratings
and price
properties, while Book
nodes get the age
Further, the price
property has a default value of 5.0
Not every book has a price specified in the example graph.
In the following we check if the price was correctly projected:
MATCH (n:Book)
RETURN AS name, gds.util.nodeProperty('graphWithProperties', n, 'price') AS price
ORDER BY price
name | price |
"The Hobbit" |
5.0 |
"Frankenstein" |
19.99 |
We can see, that the price was projected with the Hobbit having the default price of 5.0.
Relationship properties
Analogous to node properties, we can project relationship properties using the fourth parameter.
and Book
nodes and READ
relationships with numberOfPages
property:MATCH (source)-[r:READ]->(target)
WITH gds.graph.project(
{ relationshipProperties: r { .numberOfPages } }
) AS g
g.graphName AS graph, g.nodeCount AS nodes, g.relationshipCount AS rels
graph | nodes | rels |
"readWithProperties" |
5 |
4 |
Next, we will verify that the relationship property numberOfPages
was correctly loaded.
from the projected graph:CALL'readWithProperties', 'numberOfPages')
YIELD sourceNodeId, targetNodeId, propertyValue AS numberOfPages
gds.util.asNode(sourceNodeId).name AS person,
gds.util.asNode(targetNodeId).name AS book,
ORDER BY person ASC, numberOfPages DESC
person | book | numberOfPages |
"Adam" |
"The Hobbit" |
30.0 |
"Florentin" |
"The Hobbit" |
42.0 |
"Florentin" |
"The Hobbit" |
4.0 |
"Veselin" |
"Frankenstein" |
NaN |
We can see, that the numberOfPages
are loaded. The default property value is Double.Nan
and can be changed as in the previous example Node properties by using the Cypher function coalesce().
Parallel relationships
The Property Graph Model in Neo4j supports parallel relationships, i.e., multiple relationships between two nodes. By default, GDS preserves the parallel relationships. For some algorithms, we want the projected graph to contain at most one relationship between two nodes.
The simplest way to achieve relationship deduplication is to use the DISTINCT
operator in the relationship query.
Alternatively, we can aggregate the parallel relationship by using the count() function and store the count as a relationship property.
and Book
nodes and COUNT
aggregated READ
relationships:MATCH (source)-[r:READ]->(target)
WITH source, target, count(r) AS numberOfReads
WITH gds.graph.project('readCount', source, target, { relationshipProperties: { numberOfReads: numberOfReads } }) AS g
g.graphName AS graph, g.nodeCount AS nodes, g.relationshipCount AS rels
graph | nodes | rels |
"readCount" |
5 |
3 |
Next, we will verify that the READ
relationships were correctly aggregated.
of the projected graph:CALL'readCount', 'numberOfReads')
YIELD sourceNodeId, targetNodeId, propertyValue AS numberOfReads
gds.util.asNode(sourceNodeId).name AS person,
gds.util.asNode(targetNodeId).name AS book,
ORDER BY numberOfReads DESC, person
person | book | numberOfReads |
"Florentin" |
"The Hobbit" |
2.0 |
"Adam" |
"The Hobbit" |
1.0 |
"Veselin" |
"Frankenstein" |
1.0 |
We can see, that the two READ relationships between Florentin and the Hobbit result in 2
Parallel relationships with properties
For graphs with relationship properties we can also use other aggregations documented in the Cypher Manual.
and Book
nodes and aggregated READ
relationships by summing the numberOfPages
:MATCH (source)-[r:READ]->(target)
WITH source, target, sum(r.numberOfPages) AS numberOfPages
WITH gds.graph.project('readSums', source, target, { relationshipProperties: { numberOfPages: numberOfPages } }) AS g
g.graphName AS graph, g.nodeCount AS nodes, g.relationshipCount AS rels
graph | nodes | rels |
"readSums" |
5 |
3 |
Next, we will verify that the relationship property numberOfPages
were correctly aggregated.
of the projected graph:CALL'readSums', 'numberOfPages')
YIELD sourceNodeId, targetNodeId, propertyValue AS numberOfPages
gds.util.asNode(sourceNodeId).name AS person,
gds.util.asNode(targetNodeId).name AS book,
ORDER BY numberOfPages DESC, person
person | book | numberOfPages |
"Florentin" |
"The Hobbit" |
46.0 |
"Adam" |
"The Hobbit" |
30.0 |
"Veselin" |
"Frankenstein" |
0.0 |
We can see, that the two READ
relationships between Florentin and the Hobbit sum up to 46
Projecting filtered Neo4j graphs
Cypher-projections allow us to specify the graph to project in a more fine-grained way.
The following examples will demonstrate how to filter out READ
relationships if they do not have a numberOfPages
and Book
nodes and READ
relationships where numberOfPages
is present:MATCH (source) OPTIONAL MATCH (source)-[r:READ]->(target)
WHERE r.numberOfPages IS NOT NULL
WITH gds.graph.project('existingNumberOfPages', source, target, { relationshipProperties: r { .numberOfPages } }) AS g
g.graphName AS graph, g.nodeCount AS nodes, g.relationshipCount AS rels
graph | nodes | rels |
"existingNumberOfPages" |
5 |
3 |
Next, we will verify that the relationship property numberOfPages
was correctly loaded.
from the projected graph:CALL'existingNumberOfPages', 'numberOfPages')
YIELD sourceNodeId, targetNodeId, propertyValue AS numberOfPages
gds.util.asNode(sourceNodeId).name AS person,
gds.util.asNode(targetNodeId).name AS book,
ORDER BY person ASC, numberOfPages DESC
person | book | numberOfPages |
"Adam" |
"The Hobbit" |
30.0 |
"Florentin" |
"The Hobbit" |
42.0 |
"Florentin" |
"The Hobbit" |
4.0 |
If we compare the results to the ones from Relationship properties, we can see that using IS NOT NULL
is filtering out the relationship from Veselin to the book Frankenstein.
This functionality is only expressible with native projections by projecting a subgraph.