Migration to 6.0.0

This is the documentation of the GraphQL Library version 6. For the long-term support (LTS) version 5, refer to GraphQL Library version 5 LTS.

This page lists all breaking changes from the Neo4j GraphQL Library version 5.x to 6.x and how to update it.

How to update

To update your Neo4j GraphQL Library, use npm or the package manager of choice:

npm update @neo4j/graphql

Breaking changes

Here is a list of all the breaking changes from version 5.0.0 to 6.0.0.

Changed minimum Node.js version to 20.0.0

The minimum Node.js version required to run the Neo4j GraphQL Library is now 20.0.0.

Changed minimum Neo4j version to 5.0.0

The minimum Neo4j version required to run the Neo4j GraphQL Library is now 5.0.0.

Removed Non-CDC subscriptions

Support for subscription engines other than Neo4jGraphQLSubscriptionsCDCEngine has been dropped. This means subscriptions only work on databases with Change Data Capture (CDC) enabled. The following engines are no longer supported:

Changed default subscription engine

When setting up the default subscriptions for Neo4jGraphQL, now the production-ready CDC engine is used (Neo4jGraphQLSubscriptionsCDCEngine) instead of the previous default engine:

new Neo4jGraphQL({
    features: {
        subscriptions: true

This means the default subscriptions now require CDC enabled in your database.

Removed relationship subscriptions

The subscriptions operations *RelationshipCreated and *RelationshipDeleted are no longer supported.

For example:

subscription MovieRelationshipDeleted {
  movieRelationshipCreated {
    movie {
    createdRelationship {
      actors {
        node {

Removed the deprecated implicit "some" filter from @relationship

The deprecated implicit "some" filter without operator suffix has been removed from @relationship in favor of the explicit _SOME filter.

Before Now
  movies(where: { actors: { name: "Keanu" } }) {
  movies(where: { actors_SOME: { name: "Keanu" } }) {

Removed invalid filters in aggregation filter inputs

In previous versions of the library, the input used for aggregation filters contained filters that did not rely on aggregating functions. These filters were deprecated in previous library versions and are removed from the schema.

To see the aggregating functions supported on filtering refer to Aggregation filtering,

Removed string aggregation filters not using _LENGTH

Since string aggregations are computed using length, they now require the _LENGTH suffix for all string aggregation filters.

Before Now
    where: { actorsAggregate: { node: { name_AVERAGE_EQUAL: 1.5 } } }
  ) {
    where: { actorsAggregate: { node: { name_AVERAGE_LENGTH_EQUAL: 1.5 } } }
  ) {

Removed the deprecated options argument from assertIndexesAndConstraints

The deprecated options argument from the assertIndexesAndConstraints utility has been removed. Database migrations are outside of the scope of the Neo4j GraphQL Library, and all indexes and constraints will have to be managed manually.

Removed top-level arguments that are not update from the top-level update

The top-level update mutation now only accepts the update argument.

The following nested operations have been moved into the update argument:

  • create

  • delete

  • connect

  • disconnect

  • connectOrCreate

Before Now
mutation UpdateActors {
  updateActors(create: { movies: { node: { title: "The Good" } } }) {
    actors {
mutation UpdateActors {
    update: { movies: { create: { node: { title: "The Good" } } } }
  ) {
    actors {

Changed the sort argument for interfaces connection fields

The sort argument for interfaces connection fields is now a list of non-nullable elements.

Before Now
productionsConnection(after: String, first: Int, sort: [ProductionSort], where: ProductionWhere): ProductionsConnection!
productionsConnection(after: String, first: Int, sort: [ProductionSort!], where: ProductionWhere): ProductionsConnection!

The deprecated _NOT filters are no longer supported

The following deprecated NOT filters are removed from the schema since they are no longer supported:

  • _NOT



  • _NOT_IN



  • node_NOT

  • edge_NOT

To achieve the same in version 6.x of the GraphQL Library, use the boolean NOT operator instead.

Before Now
query {
  movies(where: { title_NOT: "The Matrix" }) {
query {
  movies(where: { NOT: { title_EQ: "The Matrix" } }) {

The deprecated _NOT on @relationship filters are no longer supported

The following deprecated _NOT filters on @relationship are removed and no longer supported:

  • actors_NOT

  • actorsConnection_NOT

To achieve the same in version 6.x of the GraphQL Library, use the NONE quantifier.

Before Now
query {
  movies(where: { actors_NOT: { name_EQ: "Keanu" } }) {
query {
  movies(where: { actors_NONE: { name_EQ: "Keanu" } }) {

Removed the bookmark field from the schema

The bookmark field has been removed from the mutation info responses (CreateInfo, UpdateInfo, DeleteInfo) as it is no longer required.

Changed the excludeDeprecatedFields setting in the Neo4jFeaturesSettings

As in version 6.x many of the deprecated fields have been removed, the excludeDeprecatedFields setting has been modified to reflect these changes.

The following fields have been removed:

  • bookmark

  • negationFilters

  • arrayFilters

  • stringAggregation

  • aggregationFilters

  • nestedUpdateOperationsFields

The following fields have been added:

  • implicitEqualFilters

  • deprecatedOptionsArgument

  • directedArgument

  • connectOrCreate

  • typename_IN

  • implicitSet

  • idAggregations

Removed some @cypher fields from the sort argument

The following @cypher field types have been removed from the sort argument because they are not usable as sort fields:

  • @cypher fields with non-nullable arguments.

  • @cypher fields with non-sortable type like Node, List etc.

Removed connectComponentsPlanner from cypherQueryOptions

Following the deprecation of the connectComponentsPlanner, the field is no longer accepted in the GraphQL context and is removed from the cypherQueryOptions object.

Removed support for the Object Graph Mapper (OGM)

The OGM is discontinued with version 6.0.0 of the GraphQL Library. Version 5 (LTS) is the last version to feature the OGM.

Deprecations and warnings

Here is a list of deprecations and warnings from version 5.0.0 to 6.0.0.

Implicit equality filters are deprecated

The following implicit equality filters are deprecated:

  • { name: "Keanu" }

  • { count: 10 }

You can achieve the same by using { name_EQ: "Keanu" } and { count_EQ: 10 }. The deprecated quality filters will be removed in version 7.

Before Now
query {
  users(where: { name: "John" }) {
query {
  users(where: { name_EQ: "John" }) {

The EQ filters can be disabled from the generated schema with the option implicitEqualFilters set to true:

new Neo4jGraphQL({
    features: {
        excludeDeprecatedFields: {
            implicitEqualFilters: true

@node will have to be explicitly defined

In the future, types without the @node directive will no longer be treated as Neo4j nodes. In version 6.0.0, it’s not required to specify every GraphQL type representing a Neo4j node with the @node directive, however it’s recommended to do so and a warning is raised if you don’t. There are genuine cases in which a @node should not be used, e.g., for types returned by @cypher fields which are not Neo4j nodes.

Before Now
type Movie {
    title: String
    actors: [Person!]! @relationship(type: "ACTED_IN", direction: IN)

type Person {
    name: String
type Movie @node {
    title: String
    actors: [Person!]! @relationship(type: "ACTED_IN", direction: IN)

type Person @node {
    name: String

Deprecated pagination options argument

The options argument in query and @relationship fields is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use the limit, offset and sort arguments instead.

Before Now
  movies(options: { limit: 10, offset: 10, sort: { title: ASC } }) {
  movies(limit: 10, offset: 10, sort: { title: ASC }) {

The options argument can be disabled from the generated schema with the option deprecatedOptionsArgument set to true:

new Neo4jGraphQL({
    features: {
        excludeDeprecatedFields: {
            deprecatedOptionsArgument: true

Deprecated directed argument in @relationship fields

The directed argument was used to change the query direction of the relationship field at the query time, for instance:

  movies {
    actors(directed: false) {

The directed argument in @relationship fields is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Configure the query direction via the queryDirection and direction arguments of the @relationship directive instead.

The directed argument can be disabled from the generated schema with the option directedArgument set to true:

new Neo4jGraphQL({
    features: {
        excludeDeprecatedFields: {
            directedArgument: true

Deprecated @relationship.queryDirection _DEFAULT and _ONLY options

Following the deprecation of the directed argument, the values accepted by the @relationship.queryDirection have changed:

  • DEFAULT_DIRECTED is deprecated.

  • DEFAULT_UNDIRECTED is deprecated.

  • DIRECTED_ONLY is renamed to DIRECTED.


A warning is raised if you use a deprecated value.

Deprecated typename_IN filter in favor of typename

typename_IN filter has been deprecated in favor of typename.

typename_IN can be disabled from the generated schema with the option typename_IN set to true:

new Neo4jGraphQL({
    features: {
        excludeDeprecatedFields: {
            typename_IN: true

Deprecated aggregations on ID fields

Aggregations on ID fields are now deprecated and will be removed in the future.

ID fields in aggregations can be disabled from the generated schema with the option idAggregations set to true:

new Neo4jGraphQL({
    features: {
        excludeDeprecatedFields: {
            idAggregations: true

Deprecated @unique directive

The @unique directive will no longer be supported in future versions. It cannot always be reliably enforced, potentially leading to data inconsistencies that don’t match the schema.

Deprecated overwrite argument in connect

The overwrite argument in connect operations has been deprecated. This is part of the overarching changes to how connect operations work in version 7.

mutation {
    where: { title_EQ: "Matrix" }
    update: {
      actors: {
        connect: { overwrite: true, where: { node: { name_EQ: "Keanu" } } }
  ) {
    movies {

Deprecated connectOrCreate mutation

The connectOrCreate mutation is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version:

mutation CreateActors {
    update: {
      movies: {
        connectOrCreate: [{ where: { node: { title_EQ: "The Matrix" } } }]
  ) {
    actors {

connectOrCreate mutations can be disabled from the generated schema with the option connectOrCreate set to true:

new Neo4jGraphQL({
    features: {
        excludeDeprecatedFields: {
            connectOrCreate: true

Deprecated *Aggregate fields

Top level and nested *Aggregate fields have been deprecated in favor of aggregate fields inside connections:

Before Now
query {
    moviesAggregate {
        rating {
query {
    moviesConnection {
        aggregate {
            node {
                rating {

*Aggregate fields can be disabled from the generated schema with the option deprecatedAggregateOperations set to true:

new Neo4jGraphQL({
    features: {
        excludeDeprecatedFields: {
            deprecatedAggregateOperations: true

count field changes in new aggregate fields

The count field inside aggregate fields differs from the old count and now contains nodes:

Before Now
query Movies {
    moviesAggregate {
query {
    moviesConnection {
        aggregate {
            count {

Implicit set operation

Setting fields in operations must append the _SET operator. The previous format which only uses the field name is deprecated:

Before Now
mutation {
  updateMovies(update: { title: "The Matrix" }) {
    movies {
mutation {
  updateMovies(update: { title_SET: "The Matrix" }) {
    movies {

Implicit set input fields can be disabled from the generated schema with the option implicitSet set to true:

new Neo4jGraphQL({
    features: {
        excludeDeprecatedFields: {
            implicitSet: true

Deprecated @private directive

The @private directive is deprecated and will be removed in the next version of the library. @private was intended to be used with the OGM, which is no longer supported.

type Movie @node {
  title: String! @private