Sink Configuration

In this chapter we’ll discuss how the Sink instance is configured.

Create the Sink Instance

Create the Sink instance:

We’ll define the Sink configuration in several ways:

  • by providing a Cypher template

  • by ingesting the events emitted from another Neo4j instance via the Change Data Capture module

  • by providing a pattern extraction to a JSON or AVRO file

  • by managing a CUD file format

Sink ingestion strategies

The Cypher Template strategy is the only Sink strategy that guarantees messages to be processed in the same order as they arrive in a topic.

Other Sink strategies group messages together by type of operation, which can also be optimised into batches. In this case, the execution order is the following:

  1. All MERGE operations on nodes

  2. All DELETE operations on nodes

  3. All MERGE operations on relationships

  4. All DELETE operations on relationships

Cypher Strategy

  "name": "Neo4jSinkConnectorJSONString",
  "config": {
    "topics": "my-topic",
    "connector.class": "streams.kafka.connect.sink.Neo4jSinkConnector",
    "key.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter",
    "key.converter.schemas.enable": false,
    "value.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter",
    "value.converter.schemas.enable": false,
    "errors.retry.timeout": "-1",
    "": "1000",
    "errors.tolerance": "all",
    "errors.log.enable": true,
    "errors.log.include.messages": true,
    "neo4j.server.uri": "bolt://neo4j:7687",
    "neo4j.authentication.basic.username": "neo4j",
    "neo4j.authentication.basic.password": "password",
    "": "MERGE (p:Person{name:, surname: event.surname}) MERGE (f:Family{name: event.surname}) MERGE (p)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(f)"

In particular this line:

"": "MERGE (p:Person{name:, surname: event.surname}) MERGE (f:Family{name: event.surname}) MERGE (p)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(f)"

defines that all the data that comes from the topic my-topic will be unpacked by the Sink into Neo4j with the following Cypher query:

MERGE (p:Person{name:, surname: event.surname})
MERGE (f:Family{name: event.surname})
MERGE (p)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(f)

Under the hood the Sink inject the event object in this way

UNWIND $batch AS event
MERGE (p:Person{name:, surname: event.surname})
MERGE (f:Family{name: event.surname})
MERGE (p)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(f)

Where $batch is a list of event objects.

You can change the query or remove the property and add your own, but you must follow the following convention:

"neo4j.topic.cypher.<YOUR_TOPIC>": "<YOUR_CYPHER_QUERY>"

Let’s load the configuration into the Confluent Platform with this REST call:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8083/connectors \
  -H 'Content-Type:application/json' \
  -H 'Accept:application/json' \
  -d @sink.string-json.neo4j.json

The file sink.string-json.neo4j.json contains a configuration that shows a sample JSON consumer configuration.

Please check that everything is fine by going into:


and click to the Sink tab. You must find a table just like this:

Status Active Tasks Name Topics





Note that the Sink instance can be configured also to monitor multiple topics. Just evaluate the property topics with a list of topic separated by comma. For example:

  "name": "Neo4jSinkConnector",
  "config": {
    "connector.class": "streams.kafka.connect.sink.Neo4jSinkConnector",
    "key.converter": "",
    "value.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter",
    "value.converter.schemas.enable": false,
    "topics": "topicA,topicB",
    "_comment": "Cypher template example configuration",
    "neo4j.topic.cypher.topicA": "<YOUR_CYPHER_QUERY>",
    "neo4j.topic.cypher.topicB": "<YOUR_CYPHER_QUERY>",
    "errors.retry.timeout": "-1",
    "": "1000",
    "errors.tolerance": "all",
    "errors.log.enable": true,
    "errors.log.include.messages": true,
    "neo4j.server.uri": "bolt://neo4j:7687",
    "neo4j.authentication.basic.username": "neo4j",
    "neo4j.authentication.basic.password": "password",
    "neo4j.encryption.enabled": false

Change Data Capture Event Strategy

This method allows to ingest CDC events coming from another Neo4j Instance. You can use two sub strategies:

  • The SourceId sub-strategy which merges the nodes/relationships by the CDC event id field (it’s related to the Neo4j physical ID)

  • The Schema sub-strategy which merges the nodes/relationships by the constraints (UNIQUENESS, NODE_KEY) defined in your graph model

The SourceId sub-strategy

You can configure the topic in the following way:

"neo4j.topic.cdc.sourceId": "<list of topics separated by semicolon>"
"neo4j.topic.cdc.sourceId.labelName": "<the label attached to the node, default=SourceEvent>"
"neo4j.topic.cdc.sourceId.idName": "<the id name given to the CDC id field, default=sourceId>"
"neo4j.topic.cdc.sourceId": "my-topic;my-other.topic"

Each streams event will be projected into the related graph entity, for instance the following event:

  "meta": {
    "timestamp": 1532597182604,
    "username": "neo4j",
    "tx_id": 3,
    "tx_event_id": 0,
    "tx_events_count": 2,
    "operation": "created",
    "source": {
      "hostname": ""
  "payload": {
    "id": "1004",
    "type": "node",
    "after": {
      "labels": ["Person"],
      "properties": {
        "email": "",
        "last_name": "Kretchmar",
        "first_name": "Anne Marie"
  "schema": {
    "properties": {
      "last_name": "String",
      "email": "String",
      "first_name": "String"
    "constraints": [{
      "label": "Person",
      "properties": ["first_name", "last_name"],
      "type": "UNIQUE"

will be persisted as the following node:

Person:SourceEvent{first_name: "Anne Marie", last_name: "Kretchmar", email: "", sourceId: "1004"}

as you can notice, ingested event has been projected with two peculiarities:

  • the id field has transformed into sourceId;

  • the node has an additional label SourceEvent;

these two fields will be used in order to match the node/relationship for future updates/deletes

The Schema sub-strategy

You can configure the topic in the following way:

"neo4j.topic.cdc.schema": "<LIST_OF_TOPICS_SEPARATED_BY_SEMICOLON>"
"neo4j.topic.cdc.schema": "my-topic;my-other.topic"

Each streams event will be projected into the related graph entity, for instance the following event:

  "meta": {
    "timestamp": 1532597182604,
    "username": "neo4j",
    "tx_id": 3,
    "tx_event_id": 0,
    "tx_events_count": 2,
    "operation": "created",
    "source": {
      "hostname": ""
  "payload": {
    "id": "1004",
    "type": "node",
    "after": {
      "labels": ["Person"],
      "properties": {
        "email": "",
        "last_name": "Kretchmar",
        "first_name": "Anne Marie"
  "schema": {
    "properties": {
      "last_name": "String",
      "email": "String",
      "first_name": "String"
    "constraints": [{
      "label": "Person",
      "properties": ["first_name", "last_name"],
      "type": "UNIQUE"

will be persisted as the following node:

Person{first_name: "Anne Marie", last_name: "Kretchmar", email: ""}

The Schema sub-strategy leverages the schema field in order to insert/update the nodes so no extra fields will be created.

In case of relationship

  "meta": {
    "timestamp": 1532597182604,
    "username": "neo4j",
    "tx_id": 3,
    "tx_event_id": 0,
    "tx_events_count": 2,
    "operation": "created",
    "source": {
      "hostname": ""
  "payload": {
    "id": "123",
    "type": "relationship",
    "label": "KNOWS",
    "start": {
      "labels": ["Person"],
      "id": "123",
      "ids": {
        "last_name": "Andrea",
        "first_name": "Santurbano"
    "end": {
      "labels": ["Person"],
      "id": "456",
      "ids": {
        "last_name": "Michael",
        "first_name": "Hunger"
    "after": {
      "properties": {
        "since": "2018-04-05T12:34:00[Europe/Berlin]"
  "schema": {
    "properties": {
      "since": "ZonedDateTime"
    "constraints": [{
      "label": "KNOWS",
      "properties": ["since"],

the Schema sub-strategy leverages the ids fields in order to insert/update the relationships so no extra fields will be created.

The Pattern strategy

The Pattern strategy allows you to extract nodes and relationships from a json by providing a extraction pattern

Each property can be prefixed with:

  • !: identify the id (could be more than one property), it’s mandatory

  • -: exclude the property from the extraction If no prefix is specified this means that the property will be included

You cannot mix inclusion and exclusion so your pattern must contains all exclusion or inclusion properties

Labels can be chained via :

Tombstone Record Management

The pattern strategy come out with the support to the Tombstone Record, in order to leverage it your event should contain as key the record that you want to delete and null for the value.

Currently you can’t concatenate multiple patterns (for example in case you use just one topic and produce more then one node/relationship type). So you have to use a different topic for each type of node/relationship and define a pattern for each of them

The Node Pattern configuration

You can configure the node pattern extraction in the following way:

"neo4j.topic.pattern.node.<TOPIC_NAME>": "<NODE_EXTRACTION_PATTERN>"

So for instance, given the following json published via the user topic:

{"userId": 1, "name": "Andrea", "surname": "Santurbano", "address": {"city": "Venice", "cap": "30100"}}

You can transform it into a node by providing the following configuration:

by specifying a simpler pattern:

"neo4j.topic.pattern.node.user": "User{!userId}"

or by specifying a Cypher like node pattern:

"neo4j.topic.pattern.node.user": "(:User{!userId})"

Similar to the CDC pattern you can provide:

pattern meaning

User:Actor{!userId} or User:Actor{!userId,*}

the userId will be used as ID field and all properties of the json will be attached to the node with the provided labels (User and Actor) so the persisted node will be: (User:Actor{userId: 1, name: 'Andrea', surname: 'Santurbano', 'Venice', address.cap: 30100})

User{!userId, surname}

the userId will be used as ID field and only the surname property of the json will be attached to the node with the provided labels (User) so the persisted node will be: (User{userId: 1, surname: 'Santurbano'})

User{!userId, surname,}

the userId will be used as ID field and only the surname and the property of the json will be attached to the node with the provided labels (User) so the persisted node will be: (User{userId: 1, surname: 'Santurbano', 'Venice'})


the userId will be used as ID field and the address property will be excluded so the persisted node will be: (User{userId: 1, name: 'Andrea', surname: 'Santurbano'})

The Relationship Pattern configuration

You can configure the relationship pattern extraction in the following way:

"neo4j.topic.pattern.relationship.<TOPIC_NAME>": "<RELATIONSHIP_EXTRACTION_PATTERN>"

So for instance, given the following json published via the user topic:

{"userId": 1, "productId": 100, "price": 10, "currency": "€", "shippingAddress": {"city": "Venice", cap: "30100"}}

You can transform it into a path, like (n)-[r]→(m), by providing the following configuration:

By specifying a simpler pattern:

"neo4j.topic.pattern.relationship.user": "User{!userId} BOUGHT{price, currency} Product{!productId}"

or by specifying a Cypher like node pattern:

"neo4j.topic.pattern.relationship.user": "(:User{!userId})-[:BOUGHT{price, currency}]->(:Product{!productId})"

in this last case the we assume that User is the source node and Product the target node

Similar to the CDC pattern you can provide:

pattern meaning

(User{!userId})-[:BOUGHT]→(Product{!productId}) or (User{!userId})-[:BOUGHT{price, currency}]→(Product{!productId})

this will merge fetch/create the two nodes by the provided identifier and the BOUGHT relationship between them. And then set all the other json properties on them so the persisted data will be: (User{userId: 1})-[:BOUGHT{price: 10, currency: '€', 'Venice', shippingAddress.cap: 30100}]→(Product{productId: 100})


this will merge fetch/create the two nodes by the provided identifier and the BOUGHT relationship between them. And then set all the specified json properties so the persisted pattern will be: (User{userId: 1})-[:BOUGHT{price: 10}]→(Product{productId: 100})


this will merge fetch/create the two nodes by the provided identifier and the BOUGHT relationship between them. And then set all the specified json properties (by the exclusion) so the persisted pattern will be: (User{userId: 1})-[:BOUGHT{price: 10, currency: '€'}]→(Product{productId: 100})


this will merge fetch/create the two nodes by the provided identifier and the BOUGHT relationship between them. And then set all the specified json properties so the persisted pattern will be: (User{userId: 1})-[:BOUGHT{price: 10, currency: '€', 'Venice'}]→(Product{productId: 100})

Attach properties to node

By default no properties will be attached to the edge nodes but you can specify which property attach to each node. Given the following json published via the user topic:

    "userId": 1,
    "userName": "Andrea",
    "userSurname": "Santurbano",
    "productId": 100,
    "productName": "My Awesome Product!",
    "price": 10,
    "currency": "€"
pattern meaning

(User{!userId, userName, userSurname})-[:BOUGHT]→(Product{!productId, productName})

this will merge two nodes and the BOUGHT relationship between with all json properties them so the persisted pattern will be: (User{userId: 1, userName: 'Andrea', userSurname: 'Santurbano'})-[:BOUGHT{price: 10, currency: '€'}]→(Product{productId: 100, name: 'My Awesome Product!'})

CUD File Format Strategy

The CUD file format is JSON file that represents Graph Entities (Nodes/Relationships) and how to manage them in terms of Create/Update/Delete operations.

You can configure the topic in the following way:

"neo4j.topic.cud": "my-topic;my-other.topic"

We have two formats:

  • One for nodes:

    We provide an example of a MERGE operation

      "op": "merge",
      "properties": {
        "foo": "value",
        "key": 1
      "ids": {"key": 1, "otherKey":  "foo"},
      "labels": ["Foo","Bar"],
      "type": "node",
      "detach": true

which would be transformed into the following Cypher query:

UNWIND [..., {
  "op": "merge",
  "properties": {
    "foo": "value",
    "key": 1
  "ids": {"key": 1, "otherKey":  "foo"},
  "labels": ["Foo","Bar"],
  "type": "node",
  "detach": true
}, ...] AS event
MERGE (n:Foo:Bar {key: event.ids.key, otherkey: event.ids.otherkey})
SET n +=

Lets describe the fields:

Table 1. CUD file Node format fields description
field mandatory Description



The operation type: create/merge/update/delete

N.B. delete messages are for individual nodes it’s not intended to be a generic way of doing cypher query building from JSON


no in case the operation is delete, otherwise yes

The properties attached to the node


no in case the operation is create, otherwise yes

In case the operation is merge/update/delete this field is mandatory and contains the primary/unique keys of the node that will be use to do the lookup to the entity. In case you use as key the _id name the cud format will refer to Neo4j’s node internal for the node lookup.

N.B. If you’ll use the _id reference with the op merge it will work as simple update, this means that if the node with the passed internal id does not exists it will not be created.



The labels attached to the node.

N.B. Neo4j allows to create nodes without labels, but from a performance perspective, it’s a bad idea don’t provide them.



The entity type: node/relationship ⇒ node in this case



In case the operation is delete you can specify if perform a "detach" delete that means delete any incident relationships when you delete a node

N.B. if no value is provided, the default is true

  • And one for relationships:

We provide an example of a CREATE operation

  "op": "create",
  "properties": {
    "foo": "rel-value",
    "key": 1
  "rel_type": "MY_REL",
  "from": {
    "ids": {"key": 1},
    "labels": ["Foo","Bar"]
  "to": {
    "ids": {"otherKey":1},
    "labels": ["FooBar"]

which would be transformed into the following Cypher query:

UNWIND [..., {
  "op": "create",
  "properties": {
    "foo": "rel-value",
    "key": 1
  "rel-type": "MY-REL",
  "from": {
    "ids": {"key": 1},
    "labels": ["Foo","Bar"]
  "to": {
    "ids": {"otherKey":1},
    "labels": ["FooBar"]
}, ...] AS event
MATCH (from:Foo:Bar {key: event.from.ids.key})
MATCH (to:FooBar {otherKey:})
CREATE (from)-[r:MY_REL]->(to)
SET r =

Lets describe the fields:

Table 2. CUD file Relationship format fields description
field mandatory Description



The operation type: create/merge/update/delete



The properties attached to the relationship



The relationship type


yes, if you use the _id field reference into ids you can left labels blank

Contains the info about the source node of the relationship. For the description of the ids and labels fields please please look at the node fields description above


yes, if you use the _id field reference into ids you can left labels blank

Contains the info about the target node of the relationship. For the description of the ids and labels fields please please look at the node fields description above



The entity type: node/relationship ⇒ relationship in this case

Following another example of DELETE operation for both node and relationship.

  • For Node, the following JSON:

  "op": "delete",
  "properties": {},
  "ids": {"key": 1, "otherKey":  "foo"},
  "labels": ["Foo","Bar"],
  "type": "node",
  "detach": false

will be transformed in the following Cypher query:

UNWIND [..., {
  "op": "delete",
  "properties": {},
  "ids": {"key": 1, "otherKey":  "foo"},
  "labels": ["Foo","Bar"],
  "type": "node",
  "detach": false
}, ...] AS event
MATCH (n:Foo:Bar {key: event.ids.key, otherkey: event.ids.otherkey})

Note that if you set "detach": true then the transformation will be:

] AS event
  • For Relationship, the following JSON:

  "op": "create",
  "properties": {},
  "rel_type": "MY_REL",
  "from": {
    "ids": {"key": 1},
    "labels": ["Foo","Bar"]
  "to": {
    "ids": {"otherKey":1},
    "labels": ["FooBar"]

will be transformed in the following Cypher query:

UNWIND [..., {
  "op": "create",
  "properties": {},
  "rel_type": "MY_REL",
  "from": {
    "ids": {"key": 1},
    "labels": ["Foo","Bar"]
  "to": {
    "ids": {"otherKey":1},
    "labels": ["FooBar"]
}, ...] AS event
MATCH (from:Foo:Bar {key: event.from.ids.key})
MATCH (to:FooBar {otherkey:})
MATCH (from)-[r:MY_REL]->(to)

We can create non-existent nodes at relationship creation/merging, putting "op": "merge" in "from" and/or "to" field. By default, "op" is match, so the node is not created if it doesn’t exist. We can write, for example:

  "op": "create",
  "properties": {},
  "rel_type": "MY_REL",
  "from": {
    "ids": {"key": 1},
    "labels": ["Foo","Bar"],
    "op": "merge"
  "to": {
    "ids": {"otherKey":1},
    "labels": ["FooBar"],
    "op": "merge"

Multi Database Support

Neo4j Enterprise Edition has multi-tenancy support. In order to support this feature with Kafka Connect Neo4j Connector, we have to add the neo4j.database property to the sink configuration, which tells the Connector the database to use as default. If you don’t specify that property, the home database for the configured user will be used.

Following an example:

  "name": "Neo4jSinkConnector",
  "config": {
    "neo4j.database": "<database_name>",
    "topics": "topic",
    "connector.class": "streams.kafka.connect.sink.Neo4jSinkConnector",
    "key.converter": "",
    "value.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter",
    "value.converter.schemas.enable": false,
    "errors.retry.timeout": "-1",
    "": "1000",
    "errors.tolerance": "all",
    "errors.log.enable": true,
    "errors.log.include.messages": true,
    "neo4j.server.uri": "bolt://neo4j:7687",
    "neo4j.authentication.basic.username": "neo4j",
    "neo4j.authentication.basic.password": "password",
    "neo4j.encryption.enabled": false,
    "_comment": "Sink CDC SourceId Strategy",
    "neo4j.topic.cdc.sourceId": "topic",
    "neo4j.topic.cdc.sourceId.labelName": "<the label attached to the node, default=SourceEvent>",
    "neo4j.topic.cdc.sourceId.idName": "<the id name given to the CDC id field, default=sourceId>",
    "_comment": "Sink CDC Schema Strategy",
    "neo4j.topic.cdc.schema": "<list_of_topics_separated_by_semicolon>",
    "_comment": "Sink Node/Relationship Pattern Strategy",
    "neo4j.topic.pattern.node.<TOPIC_NAME>": "<node_extraction_pattern>",
    "neo4j.topic.pattern.relationship.<TOPIC_NAME>": "<relationship_extraction_pattern>",
    "_comment": "Sink CUD File forma Strategy",
    "neo4j.topic.cud": "<list_of_topics_separated_by_semicolon>"

How to deal with bad data

In Kafka Connect Neo4j Connector, in the creation phase of the Sink instance, in addition to the properties described in the Dead Letter Queue configuration parameters table, you need to define kafka broker connection properties:

Table 3. Dead Letter Queue configuration parameters
Name Value Note



fail fast (default!) abort



all == lenient, silently ignore bad messages



log errors (default: false)



log bad messages too (default: false)


dead letter queue topic name, if left off no DLQ, default: not set



enrich messages with metadata headers like exception, timestamp, org. topic, org.part, default:false



common prefix for header entries, e.g. "__streams.errors." , default: not set



replication factor, need to set to 1 for single partition, default:3

For the Neo4j extension you prefix them with neo4j in the Neo4j configuration.

Name mandatory Description



It’s the Kafka Broker url. *(please look at the description below)



You can also specify any other kafka Producer setting by adding the kafka. prefix (i.e the configuration acks become kafka.acks). See the Apache Kafka documentation for details on these settings.

As you may have noticed we’re asking to provide the bootstrap.server property, this because the Kafka Connect Framework provides an out-of-the-box support only for deserialization errors and message transformations (please look into the following link for further details: We want to extend this feature for transient errors in order to cover the 100% of failures. So to do that at this moment as suggested by Confluent we need to ask again the broker location, until this JIRA issue will not be addressed: Said that, these properties has to be added only if you want to also redirect Neo4j errors into the DLQ.