Retrieve query counters

If includeCounters: true is added to the request body, the server returns query counters alongside the query result. Counters tell how the database was altered by the query.

Example request

POST http://localhost:7474/db/neo4j/query/v2
Authorization: Basic bmVvNGo6dmVyeXNlY3JldA==
Content-Type: application/json
  "statement": "CREATE (n:Person {name: $name}) RETURN",
  "parameters": {
  "name": "Peter"
  "includeCounters": true

Example response

202: OK
Content-Type: application/json
  "data": {
    "fields": [
    "values": [
  "counters": {
    "containsUpdates": true,
    "nodesCreated": 1,
    "nodesDeleted": 0,
    "propertiesSet": 1,
    "relationshipsCreated": 0,
    "relationshipsDeleted": 0,
    "labelsAdded": 1,
    "labelsRemoved": 0,
    "indexesAdded": 0,
    "indexesRemoved": 0,
    "constraintsAdded": 0,
    "constraintsRemoved": 0,
    "containsSystemUpdates": false,
    "systemUpdates": 0
  "bookmarks": [