Azure Synapse Analytics

Azure Synapse Analytics (formerly SQL Data Warehouse) is a cloud-based enterprise data warehouse that leverages massively parallel processing (MPP) to quickly run complex queries across petabytes of data.


You need an Azure Synapse Analytics instance up-and-running. If you don’t have one you can create it from here.


Azure Synapse Analytics works via Spark only in Databricks Runtime as the required connector is not released publicly.


The Azure Synapse Connector uses three types of network connections:

  • Spark driver to Azure Synapse

  • Spark driver and executors to Azure storage account

  • Azure Synapse to Azure storage account

To choose the authentication method that fits better for your use-case we suggest to check the official Azure Synapse Docs

From Azure Synapse Analytics to Neo4j

Given the authentication method that you choose, following an example about how to ingest data from an Azure Synapse Analytics table into Neo4j as nodes:

// Step (1)
// Load a table into a Spark DataFrame
val azureDF: DataFrame =
  .option("url", "jdbc:sqlserver://<the-rest-of-the-connection-string>")
  .option("dbTable", "CUSTOMER")

// Step (2)
// Save the `azureDF` as nodes with labels `Person` and `Customer` into Neo4j
  .option("url", "neo4j://<host>:<port>")
  .option("labels", ":Person:Customer")
# Step (1)
# Load a table into a Spark DataFrame
azureDF = (
  .option("url", "jdbc:sqlserver://<the-rest-of-the-connection-string>")
  .option("dbTable", "CUSTOMER")

# Step (2)
# Save the `azureDF` as nodes with labels `Person` and `Customer` into Neo4j
  .option("url", "neo4j://<host>:<port>")
  .option("labels", ":Person:Customer")

From Neo4j to Azure Synapse Analytics

Given the authentication method that you choose, following an example about how to ingest data from Neo4j into an Azure Synapse Analytics table:

// Step (1)
// Load `:Person:Customer` nodes as DataFrame
val neo4jDF: DataFrame ="org.neo4j.spark.DataSource")
  .option("url", "neo4j://<host>:<port>")
  .option("labels", ":Person:Customer")

// Step (2)
// Save the `neo4jDF` as table CUSTOMER into Azure Synapse Analytics
  .option("url", "jdbc:sqlserver://<the-rest-of-the-connection-string>")
  .option("dbTable", "CUSTOMER")
# Step (1)
# Load `:Person:Customer` nodes as DataFrame
neo4jDF = ("org.neo4j.spark.DataSource")
  .option("url", "neo4j://<host>:<port>")
  .option("labels", ":Person:Customer")

# Step (2)
# Save the `neo4jDF` as table CUSTOMER into Azure Synapse Analytics
  .option("url", "jdbc:sqlserver://<the-rest-of-the-connection-string>")
  .option("dbTable", "CUSTOMER")