Usage data report
By default, Neo4j Community Edition (CE) and Neo4j Enterprise Edition (EE) report a small amount of usage data. This helps Neo4j understand how its products are used and improve them.
The data reported to Neo4j is:
System database ID — A random number generated the first time Neo4j starts. This number cannot be used to identify the user. It allows us to see for how long instances are in use.
Version — The version of the running Neo4j.
Packaging — How Neo4j is packaged, whether it is a docker image, TAR, ZIP, RPM, etc.
Edition — Whether the running Neo4j is CE or EE.
License status (Enterprise Edition only) — Whether the accepted license is evaluation or commercial.
License days left (Enterprise Edition only) — The number of days left on the license.
Count — Data is sent every 24 hours, and this number increments each time. This allows us to see roughly how long instances have been running.
Cluster size — The number of servers in Neo4j when configured as a cluster.
Processors — The number of processors on the server.
Memory — The amount of memory on the server.
JVM heap size — The amount of memory available to Neo4j.
Nodes, relationships, labels, and properties — the total count of nodes, relationships, labels, and properties in the database. This allows us to see roughly how much data is in the database.
Store size — The size of the databases on disk.
Database count — The number of databases on the server excluding the system database.
IP address — The IP address of the Neo4j server reporting the data.
APOC Extended — Whether the Neo4j has APOC Extended installed.
Custom plugin — Whether the Neo4j has one or more a non-Neo4j plugins installed.
CDC enabled — The number of databases with CDC enabled.
If necessary, reporting can be turned off with the configuration setting dbms.usage_report.enabled=false