Anonymous usage data report

This feature is available in Neo4j 5.20 and onwards.

By default, Neo4j Community Edition (CE) and Neo4j Enterprise Edition (EE) report a small amount of anonymous usage data. This helps Neo4j understand how its products are used and improve them.

The collected data cannot be used to identify users, and we do not record the IP for Neo4j Community Edition.

The data reported to Neo4j is:

  • System database ID — A random number generated the first time Neo4j starts. This number cannot be used to identify the user. It allows us to see for how long instances are in use.

  • Version — The version of the running Neo4j.

  • Packaging — How Neo4j is packaged, whether it is a docker image, TAR, ZIP, RPM, etc.

  • Edition — Whether the running Neo4j is CE or EE.

  • License status (Enterprise Edition only) — Whether the accepted license is evaluation or commercial.

  • Count — Data is sent every 24 hours, and this number increments each time. This allows us to see roughly how long instances have been running.

  • Cluster size — The number of instances in Neo4j when configured as a cluster.

  • Processors — The number of processors on the server.

  • Memory — The amount of memory on the server.

  • JVM heap size — The amount of memory available to Neo4j.

  • Nodes, relationships, labels, and properties — the total count of nodes, relationships, labels, and properties in the database. This allows us to see roughly how much data is in the database.

If necessary, reporting can be turned off with the configuration setting dbms.usage_report.enabled=false.