Learn with Neo4j's New "Get to Know Graph & GenAI" Webinar Series >>

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Training Series – Spring Data Neo4j

We are running a series of training events!

Fourth session: Spring Data Neo4j: Concepts & Application Development

Spring Data Neo4j, part of the larger Spring Data family, provides easy configuration and access to Neo4j Graph Databases from Spring applications. It offers three different levels of abstraction to access the store. The Neo4j client, the Neo4j Template, and the Neo4j Repositories. Spring Data Neo4j offers advanced features to map annotated entity classes to the Neo4j Graph Database. The template programming model is equivalent to other Spring templates and builds the basis for interaction with the graph and is also used for the Spring Data repository support. Spring Data Neo4j is a core part of the Spring Data project which aims to provide convenient data access for NoSQL databases.

In this workshop we explain the major concepts and show how to start developing an application with SDN.

Register for the other sessions:
Intro to Neo4j
Intermediate Cypher
Building A Routing Web Application With Neo4j, OpenStreetMap, and Leaflet.js
Is Virtual?