Communication companies are an obvious fit for graphs, as so many of the critical data sets in telecommunications are graphs. From the network graph, to the social graph, to the call center graph, and the master data graph, Telcos worldwide have begun to use graph databases to achieve competitive gain. Neo4j provides thousand-fold performance improvements and massive agility benefits over relational databases, enabling new levels of performance and insight. Join us for a webinar, presented by Chris Leishman, that discusses the five graphs of telecommunications, and how companies like Deutsche Telekom, Maaii, Telenor and HP are now using graph databases in their everyday business.
Learn more by downloading the EMA White Paper: How Graph Databases Solve Problems in Network & Data Center Management.

Speaker: Chris Leishman, Worldwide Engineering Services Manager, Neo Technology
Chris is a passionate software delivery professional with experience across a range of businesses and with every stage of organisational growth. He has a deep understanding of software development, from the engineering and business perspectives, and Chris has dedicated his career to developing innovative systems and providing business-focused consulting, training and delivery services to organisations around the world.