Jim Webber, Chief Scientist at Neo Technology, presents Neo4j 2.1: Turbocharging Data Import and Queries in this recorded webinar
Webinar: Neo4j 2.1: Turbocharging Data Import and Queries In this webinar, Neo Technology’s Chief Scientist Jim Webber presents the recently released Neo4j 2.1 that includes several new features and internal upgrades. Jim walks us through the new product features, and illustrates what they can do for you as a Neo4j user. In particular, he’ll discuss the new import tools for easy ETL from legacy databases to Neo4j, the improved support for querying densely connected nodes, and provide some insight into the new Cypher runtime environment that will help turbo-charge your queries. Speaker: Jim Webber, Chief Scientist, Neo Technology
Keywords: Graph Databases Jim Webber neo technology neo4j nosql webinar