11 Ways to Ask Smarter Data Analytics Questions

Not everyone has been trained to think like a data scientist or a data analyst, but they can learn to think more like one.

Alicia Frame, director of graph data science at graph database platform provider Neo4j, said if one lacks the data one needs to answer their questions or test their hypotheses, then it’s time to think about your organization’s data strategy in the first place and what you can do to ensure that you have the information available to act in a data-driven way.

Read more: https://www.informationweek.com/big-data/11-ways-to-ask-smarter-data-analytics-questions/d/d-id/1340986?_mc=rss%5Fx%5Fiwr%5Fedt%5Faud%5Fiw%5Fx%5Fx%2Drss%2Dsimple&page_number=4  
