A note in a recent article on Venture Beat – 10 text, sentiment, and social analytics trends for 2016

Deeper insights from networks plus content

This is both a 2016 trend point and most of the title I gave to a 2015 interview with Preriit Souda, a data scientist at market-research firm TNS. Preriit observes, “Networks give structure to the conversation while content mining gives meaning.” Insight comes from understanding messages and connections and how connections are activated. So add a graph database and network visualization tools to your toolkit — there’s good reason Neo4j, js, and Gephi (to name a few open-source options) are doing well. Building on a data-analytics platform such as QlikView is another option, one that can be applied in conjunction with text and digital analytics: a to-do item for 2016. Read the full article →  
