Assimilation Monitoring Project hopes to ease ‘monitoring sucks’ woes
Alan Robertson speaks with SearchDataCenter about his Assimilation Monitoring Project.
It’s still true: Monitoring sucks. Server monitoring is a touchy subject, and if you’ve got a large quantity of servers in your arsenal, it’s doubly so.
A lot of the reasons people hate their monitoring software is it gives too little and asks too much.
Through a combination of discovery and monitoring, Alan Robertson’s Assimilation Monitoring Project hopes to ease those monitoring woes. Robertson, Linux developer and founder of the High-Availability Linux (Linux HA) project, willspeak at LinuxCon North America 2012 in San Diego at the end of August. In this Q&A, we discuss what this project is and how it can help.
The Assimilation project is about tightly integrating monitoring and discovery to create a [system] much easier to set up, use, and maintain [and] that can be more helpful and more accurate in helping you diagnose and repair problems. System administrators are really the heroes of IT shops.
There are two parts to the project: the collective management authority and the agents, or nanoprobes. The nanoprobes are intended to eventually run everywhere, even Windows. The management function should be able to run on any Linux distribution. All these pieces are open source. Those who know my Twitter handle (@OSSAlanR) might already have guessed that. The collective management function is written in Python and uses the Java-based Neo4j graph database.
Read the full article.