Laxmikant Patil talks about what Cloud Storage is and how it is used today
What is Cloud Storage? Cloud storage is a model of networked online storage where data is stored in virtualized pools of storage which are generally hosted by third parties. Cloud storage is based on highly virtualized infrastructure and has same characteristic as Cloud computing in terms of agility, scalability, elasticity and multi-tenancy. Cloud storage services may be accessed through a web service application programming interface (API), a cloud storage gateway or through a Web-based user interface.- Cloud storage provides On-Demand storage space
- Cloud storage can be accessed through internet
- It’s pricing is based on Pay as you go and usage model
- Cloud storage platform exposes Rich application interfaces for communication purpose
- User need not manage the storage, everything is transparent to the user
- High degree of security and data redundancy and disaster recovery is built into Cloud storage
- Companies can focus on their core business and get rid of on-premise storage disks, maintenance tasks, backups, data replication, space and cooling requirements including human resource bandwidth.
- There is No difference with traditional storage techniques at functional interface level
- Traditionally there was need to pre-pay and buy storage device, Cloud Storage is delivered on demand
- Like traditional store there is no need of Capital Expenditures, Cloud storage is based on Pay as per used model
- Because Cloud storage is maintained by third party, it reduces CapEx and OpeEx significantly
- Traditional storage capacity use to be low because of upfront investment required, whereas in Cloud storage you get virtually unlimited storage capacity without upfront commitment/investment
- Traditional on-premise storage could not provide the level of high availability promised by Cloud Storage
- Unlike traditional storage, Cloud storage services are specialized for structured storage, unstructured storage, NOSQL data, large binary files, Media content streaming etc.
- Cloud storage services has data redundancy and disaster recovery built into it
- Cloud storage services are inherently build for high fault tolerance
- Since data will be stored in cloud storage which can be accessed from anywhere in the world with adequate security which gives kind of comfort for data users
Keywords: neo4j