In today’s blog post, Google SVP of Search Amit Singhal announced that Google’s Knowledge Graph is now live across every English-speaking country in the world, and that voice search on mobile phones has been improved to understand user intent. Useful, yes, but the real story is the technology that makes these features work. For Google, it’s all about collecting and analyzing billions of data points to learn what each one really means. With Knowledge Graph, for example, Google uses a “database of more than 500 million real-world people, places and things with 3.5 billion attributes and connections among them.” It’s those connections that are the key, as they’re what make the system smart enough to know what you’re looking for that wouldn’t naturally show up in a standard keyword search. Although Google hasn’t come out and said so, I’d imagine the Knowledge Graph utilizes Google’s Pregel graph processing engine. Graph processing and databases are catching on in social networks and other large-scale environments because they organize pieces of data by how they’re connected to one another. Those connections are called edges, and they’d keep Knowledge Graph results both informative and focused because the system knows how closely they’re related in any given circumstance.  
